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October 30th

I was still skipping classes every day only I had cut down to only the ones Draco wasn't in.

Even then I was getting detention for not working or coming to class drunk.

I'm not an alcoholic I just had nothing better to do

My 'friends' wouldn't sit with me until I sobered up.

I did. I stopped drinking every day. They still didn't sit with me.

I had been sitting with Leo Yaxley, the 1st year that had called me pretty and given me chocolates

He found me sitting alone on a windowsill and invited me to sit with him at dinner.

It had become a little routine every day now.

I was walking back to the common room with him after dinner today and I stopped to ask him something.

"Leo why are you so nice to me? You know who my father is right?" I asked

"Yeah I know who he is, I also know that a persons parents doesn't define who they are" he replied

That was so sweet

"Tell that to every other person here who thinks I'm some evil replica of my father" I said

"Does it matter what other people think about you as long as you have some close people who see the real you?" He asked

This is one smart boy.

He could be the next Nelson Mandela.

"I guess not but my close people don't want anything to do with me" i replied

"That's because they think your still drunk every day" he answered

"How do you know about that?" I asked

"I heard you talking to them a few weeks ago in the common room" he said

"I think you should show them your ok now and that they can be friends with you" he added

"But how do I do that?" I asked

We reached the portrait and we stopped walking

"Talk to them, show them your ok" he said

"You are one incredible boy you know that?" I said hugging him

"Thank you" I added

"Your welcome" he said and we entered the common room.

Everyone was all sitting on the couches.

I took Leo's advice and walked up to pansy and Alina.

"Can we talk?" I asked

"Yeah sure" they replied and we headed to our dorm

"I want to start with I'm sorry for how I've been acting the past few weeks and I'm sorry for how I spoke to you Alina that night, you didn't deserve that and I was drunk" I started

"Thank you for that" Alina said

"It means a lot" she added

"We understand that it was your way of getting over draco" pansy said

"About that, I don't think il ever fully get over him, I must've inherited it from my father, one person to love that you can never let go of" I said

"Y/n you are nothing like your father, Astoria was so wrong for saying you were" Alina said

"Also we get why you hate her, we don't know why dracos with her but we think she's his rebound. The only person he talks about is you, even with Astoria next to him it's always you" pansy added

"Really?" I asked in disbelief

"It's true" Alina backed up

"Has he said anything about why he broke up with me?" I asked

"Yes actually," Alina said

"He said it was to keep you and his mother safe, that the relationship put you both at risk from your father" she finished

"He did it to protect me! He knows I can defend myself against him!" I said

"Will you come back and join our group?" Pansy asked

"I understand if not given Draco and Astoria will be there" she added

"Yes I will, I will just deal with Draco, I also promise to come to my classes again I missed you guys." I answered

"We missed you too" they said hugging me

"Oh I almost forgot are you coming to the halloween party tomorrow?" Pansy asked

"Il see" i replied

"Fair enough" pansy replied

"Also I need a favour" she added

"What's that?" I asked

"Could I have the dorm tonight? Alina already agreed to stay with jacob" she asked

I knew I had nowhere else to go but I agreed as she was my friend.

"Fine enjoy your time with zucchini boy" I mocked

"Thanks I will" she replied

I grabbed my pillow and a blanket and left the dorm and headed down to the common room as Blaise left.

Astoria was cuddled up to Draco as usual but I did my best to ignore it and sat on the opposite couch.

I put my stuff down and headed out the common room.

I wasn't staying there watching them for hours.

I walked around the castle for a bit before I decided to head back.

They were still there.

Fucks sake.

They make me sick.

I ignored them and layed down on the couch watching the flames on the fire.

"Hey pretty girl" I head someone say from behind me.

I turned to see Theo walking round.

I sat up and He hugged me round my waist and I could see Draco watching us like a hawk.

I ignored him and continued talking to Theo as he sat on my couch.

"Pansy said there was a Halloween party tomorrow are you going?" I asked him

"Yeah probably, you?" He answered

"Maybe" I replied

"We're all going so it would be nice to have you as well" he said

"Il think about it" I answered

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now