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January 27th.

snape had asked to see me in his office.

i let myself in as i knew the password.

he was sat at his desk.

"you asked to see me" i said walking up to the desk.

"it's not me that wants you, it's your father" he said

my heart suddenly stopped.

what did my father want?

"why?" i asked

"that i don't know, he requested that you meet him at Malfoy manor" snape replied

"and how exactly am i getting there?" i asked

snape gestured to his fireplace.

great. floo powder.

i stepped into the fireplace and took a handful of powder.

"malfoy manor" i said clearly.

the air around me erupted in flames and i felt myself being pulled.

soon enough i landed in Malfoy manors living room.

narcissa was standing waiting for me.

"hi cissy!" i exclaimed hugging her.

she hugged me back tighter than usual.

"i'm so sorry" she muttered through shaky breath

"wait what's going on?" i asked

she didn't get a chance to reply before my father entered the room.

"ah, you've arrived" he retorted

i turned to face him.

"father, what is it you want?" i asked

"2 things actually, but first things first, there's someone i want you to see" he answered

i nodded and followed him.

he took me down to the dungeons.

he unlocked a cell and edged me inside.

i stepped in to see who was inside.


luna lovegood.

"what exactly am i doing here?" i asked my father

"i thought it fitting that you punish our guest, being schoolmates and all" he cackled

he wants me to torture luna?

i know i'd never been friends with her but she was actually so lovely.

"very well" i replied

"excellent, il leave you to your fun" my father replied as he left.

i heard him walk back upstairs and further into the house.

"it's alright y/n, i understand you have no choice" luna smiled.

see? nice.

there was no way i could hurt her.

i pulled her close and whispered.

"i'm not going to hurt you but i need you to do something" i muttered

she nodded

"i need you to scream like your being tortured" i whispered again

she looked at me for a moment before nodding again.

i stood back a bit and she did what i said.

she let out a bone chilling scream.

who knew such a small quiet girl had that in her.

once she was done i filled her cup up with a simple aguamenti.

"i'm so sorry you're here but there's nothing i can do" i sighed feeling extremely guilty

"that's alright" she smiled

i smiled back before heading out her cell.

i walked back up to where my father was.

"it's done" i stated

"very good. now my second thing" he smirked

within a flash i was on the floor under the cruciatus curse.

"i've been informed you we're fighting with amycus a few weeks ago" he snarled

i could barely hear what he was saying past my screams.

i pulled myself into a tight curled up ball to try and deflect the pain.

it felt as if my bones were shredding themselves.

he stopped the spell and looked down at me.

"stupid child" he bellowed before his foot collided with my stomach.

i gasped in pain and clutched my stomach.

he lifted me by my arm and tossed me against the cold brick wall.

i smashed my face against the wall.

tears flowed mercilessly down my cheeks.

it stung like hell.

i lifted my hand to my face and felt blood.

my head began spinning as i dropped to the floor.

"go back to school, foolish girl" he screeched as he gave me one last kick.

i heard the door slam and knew he was gone.

i shakily gathered myself off the floor and trembled back to the fireplace.

narcissa was still standing there.

only her eyes were full of tears that matched mine.

"i know you did it to save draco, i'm so grateful yet so sorry" she praised

"and i'd do it 1000 times over to protect him" i croaked

she gave me a sympathetic smile as i stepped back into the fireplace.

i gathered the powder in my hand and the last thing i saw was narcissas hand cover her mouth as she cried.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now