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November 28th

Slughorns bloody dinner starts in an hour and I'm getting ready in my dorm.

I wore a tight black spaghetti strap dress, black heels and a black jacket to act as sleeves.

I straightened my hair and did my makeup.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when I realised how much I actually do look like my father.

I have his hair, his face shape, his nose all but his eyes. Those were my mothers.

I sighed and headed out the door.

Blaise was waiting for me in the common room as we'd agreed to go together.

The others were there as well.

"Don't you look gorgeous" Theo smirked at me

"Lovely as always nott" I grinned at him

"Ready?" I asked turning to Blaise

"Yep" he replied kissing pansy goodbye

"Have fun!" She called out as we left.

It was only a minutes walk to where the dinner was so we didn't really speak.

Slughorn was greeting everyone at the door.

"Welcome welcome" he said to every person as they walked in.

Me and blaise took a seat beside each other at the table.

We were served a tasty chicken pasta followed by vanilla and caramel ice cream.

Slughorn had been making his way round the group asking each of us questions and he'd just gotten to me.

"So tell me y/n what are your plans for the holidays? Anything special?" He asked

"Not really il probably just spend time with the people close to my family" I replied

I knew deep down that my father would forbid me from enjoying Christmas and force me to spend it alone in my room but nobody here needed to know that.

"And those people being the malfoy's? I understand you've lived with them for quite a while?" He said

"Yes, since I was 1" I replied

"How lovely" he replied and I took a sip of my drink signalling I didn't want to continue the conversation.

He moved onto Hermione who spoke about her parents being dentists.

Ginny Weasley walked in late and took a seat beside me.

"Sorry I'm late professor" she said

"Not to worry just in time for desert, that is if belbys left you any!" He laughed referring to Marcus belby who was shovelling piles of ice cream into his mouth.

Blaise gave me a disgusted look and rolled his eyes at Marcus.

I laughed in a smile and eat some of my own ice cream.

The rest of the dinner was pretty boring.

I was thankful when it was over.

Blaise and I headed back to the common room.

"Well that was a waste of time then!" He said shaking his head

"I agree, excruciatingly boring" I said fake yawning

He laughed and said the password to get into the common room.

Theo and Draco were on the couches talking about the quidditch game tomorrow.

It was versus Gryffindor.

They had just added Ron Weasley to their team and they were betting on how long he would last.

"I'm betting 15 minutes!" I joined in

"That long? I reckon 5 max" Theo laughed

"I saw him at practice, he's hopeless!" Blaise added

The three of them were on the team.

Draco was seeker, Blaise was a chaser and Theo. Was a beater.

I left them to their conversation and headed to my dorm.

Once I was inside I found Alina crying whilst pansy attempted to comfort her.

"Y/n thank god! Your so much better at this than me!" She said calling me over

"What happened?" I asked climbing onto Alinas bed with her

"Jacob.. he.. we broke up.. he wants to be with Hannah peventy that mudblood hufflepuff!" She exclaimed

"What an idiot for giving up someone as wonderful as you" I said giving her a tight hug

"Is there anything you need?" I asked her

"Yes actually" she replied

"A movie night with my best friends" she said

"I think that can be arranged" I replied pulling my wand out.

I pulled mine and pansys beds over with a spell and created a big bubble screen in front of them.

Pansy went and found some popcorn just as Alina was picking her favourite movie.

We all snuggled into our beds to watch the film together.

It has been a while since we had all hung out together so it was nice.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now