Chapter six

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A corridor lit by candle flame. Flickering shadows danced around me, inviting me to join them. I leaned against the cold stone. I didn't move. I didn't want to go anywhere. I probably wouldn't even get far. Although the voice calling me to this world died down, the despair of not being able to resist it remained. I'll wait here for dawn until it wakes me up, I told myself.

"A bit provocative outfit, don't you think?" a familiar voice said to me.

I turned to him. A golden sparkle in the eyes.

"Hello, dear Arya." he gave me a smile.

"Hello, dear Samael." I returned his smile. "Does my outfit provoke you?"

"Not at all," he said. "You just don't leave room for imagination." his eyes showed mischief. He pierced me with a conceited look. Looked me over from head to toe. I felt defenseless in front of him, too exposed to the point of being transparent.

"What would you like to imagine, dear Samael? Unacceptable behavior for a gentleman."

He laughed quietly to himself. Rolled his eyes. He took a step closer to me, and another, and another. He made the distance between us disappear completely. Samael rested his hands on the wall, on each side of my head. I was like in a trap. I felt his chest rise with every breath. His heart was beating calmly and strongly, but mine was pumping blood as if frightened. He was quite a bit taller than me, looking down on me, literally.

He leaned in and whispered gently in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin. "But the problem is that I never thought of myself as one. I take what I want and when I want, dear Arya."

His captivating voice gave me goosebumps, in a good way. I was breathing shallowly and intermittently. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. An orchestra of emotions played in me. Since we were standing so close to each other, he must have felt it. It must have pleased him to be able to evoke that in me. I allowed myself to succumb. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

"And what do you want, dear Samael?" I asked him.

"Right now, you," he said.

I don't even know how it happened, whether I kissed him or he kissed me. Our lips touched. His tongue wandered into my mouth and I let him in. As if struck by lightning, I was flooded with a rush of energy. He pushed me to the wall. He rested his palm on my shaft. I shivered at his touch on my exposed skin. He put his hand on my back, his fingers fit exactly between the vertebrae of my spine. It slipped lower under my ass, he put his other hand under my knee and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Laughed between kisses.

He carried me to one of the many bedrooms that were there. He laid me down on a large four-poster bed that could fit ten people. I was lying there leaning on my elbow, watching Samael. He was looking at me, burning me with his gaze. He was unbuttoning his white shirt button by button. He made sure that it was as slow as possible while keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I bit my lower lip. He revealed a toned body. Climbed onto the bed behind me. Sat astride me, holding my hands above my head. He gently bit my lower lip, which I had already bitten myself. I felt the taste of blood on my tongue. He kissed me, gently then more passionately and fiercely. He kissed my neck, my collarbone. My skin burned with desire. I was shaking with pleasure. A soft moan escaped my mouth.

I adored the feeling he gave me. I wanted more. I wanted him.

This should never have happened. I should never have allowed it. And yet it happened. It went too far. I allowed it. What's more, I liked it. I wanted it.

Maybe it was the amount of alcohol circulating in my blood. And maybe the whiskey, vodka and beer only helped surface the fact that I wasn't willing to admit, I secretly longed for him. My mind scolded me that it was not right, but at the moment my heart's desire was winning. I didn't want to pretend. I didn't want to control myself.

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