Chapter twelve

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A delighted Jessica flew into my room. She cheered and screamed. She was jumping and wordlessly prodding me as well. I had no idea what the reason for her joy was and she obviously wasn't going to tell me anytime soon in her euphoric fit.

I had to calm her down a bit and hold her still to get answers out of her. "What's wrong Jess? Are you planning to tell me, or am I supposed to infer it from the sounds like Morse code?"

She calmed down, but you could still see how the energy discharge was fighting in her, which she had to hold back from the explosion. She realized that I don't have telepathic abilities and so she explained to me the reason for her sudden happiness.

"Remember how I told you about the audition for that tv series?"

I had to fish in my memory first, but finally, I remembered and nodded in agreement.

"So I got it. I have the role." The supernova exploded in her again.

"What? That's awesome Jess. That's what you wanted." I wished her luck. Her acting career and path to fame just took a clear direction. "Congratulations Jess," I congratulated her.

She jumped on my bed and started jumping on it. She dreamed about who she will become in the near future. "I will be playing an innocent-looking vampire in the vampire royal court who actually wants to become the queen of all vampires. But for that, she needs the king himself to fall in love with her. Intrigue and passion. Danger and excitement. I will wear godlike costumes."

"So the main role, huh?" I interrupted her fantasizing and lay down on the bed.

She stopped jumping and lay down too. "Of course, I'm the best," she bragged.

We both laughed.

"I guess I'll be seeing you less from now on," I stated. "Vincent will be happy."

"Vincent is an idiot," Jess said offended. "I'm sure I'll find someone better for you in Hollywood. An actor, preferably, so that we have an excuse to see each other more often."

"Don't be mean, Jessica." I warmed her. "Vincent is fine. He just wants to be alone with me sometimes."

"He's unlucky then," she declared domineeringly.

At night, I woke up again in bed in Samael's palace. I opened my eyes; the golden shine of his eyes pierced me. Samael was lying next to me, watching me. It made me laugh.

"Do you spend all night watching me sleep?" I remarked ironically.

"You slightly overestimate your importance in my life, dear Arya," he returned the teasing remark.

"Ouch! That hurt," I said. "In that case, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Yesterday you seemed kind of sad. I wanted to make sure you were okay," he replied.

"Hmm... How caring. And you've been waiting here all this time just to ask me that one question, am I okay?'

"I know what time you usually show up so it wasn't a long wait," he said. "And are you all right, dear Arya?"

"Of course I am, dear Samael. It's just too much for me." I lied and told the truth at the same time.

Samael looked at me in disbelief. He sat astride me and held my hands above my head. "You know you don't have to lie to me, dear Arya," he remarked. "You can't even lie to me."

He put his palm under my shirt. His fingers reached higher and higher. I moaned softly.

"If you didn't want me to lie, you should have let me think that you're just an illusion, a dream, a ghost." I grinned. "I am also lying to myself. I am a notorious liar."

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