Chapter twenty two

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The first day of college was waiting for me. I was as on pins and needles since the morning. It was clear to me that I would definitely not fit in, but I was still nervous. I was thinking about that game I played in high school. Shall I start the pretense all over again, only with a new scene? Will I get lost in that maze of lies again? Never again, I told myself. I found a way out and I don't want to get involved in that eternal cycle of self-destruction ever again. Never again.

I put on black ripped jeans, a gray tank top with deep cut sleeves and wings cut out on the back. Of course, I wore high-heeled ankle boots and a bunch of silver necklaces around my neck. I let my natural makeup and straight hair fall loosely on my shoulders.

Fortunately, my apartment was located near the school; otherwise, I wouldn't have made it on time.

I arrived with a slight reserve. I had time to look for room number fifteen, in which I was supposed to have a lecture on the history of art. Just by the name, it sounded terribly boring. However, I couldn't find it any other way. I wandered the corridors lost; my pride did not allow me to ask for directions. I walked up and down, right and left, but none of the doors were the right ones. I was hopelessly lost.

Finally, a young man found me. "Hi. Do you need help?" he asked me. "You seem a little confused."

He was handsome and young, about my age. His long brown hair fell into his eyes bluer than all the oceans of the world. A friendly smile graced his lips. He was dressed in a light blue shirt that matched his eyes and a black brocade vest, with black jeans ripped at one knee.

"Do I look that lost?" I asked him in return.

"Just a little." he gave me a nice smile.

I returned a slightly nervous, slightly shy smile. "I confess," I sighed desperately. "I can not find myself. Right now I'm supposed to have a lecture of art history, but it seems I'm going to miss the whole class.''

"Are you new here?" he said the words as if finding lost newcomers was his daily routine.

"Yes." I nodded.

He rested his palm on my back and led me down the hall. "Come with me. I'll show you where to find it."

"Well, thank you."

As we walked, I realized that I had been heading in the wrong direction all along. I was looking at the completely opposite end of the building. I threw away my pride in self-sufficiency and let myself be obediently led. I would never have found it without him. It's amazing how different the corridors at the university are from those in the high school. While at the high school, during class, the corridors were deathly quiet, here there was a never-ending bustle.

"By the way, I'm Arya." I introduced myself.

"Hello, Arya. I'm Joshua." he introduced himself. "You have a nice name. Unusual. Unforgettable."

"Thank you. Mother likes unusual names," I replied.

"Do you study art?" Joshua asked me.

"Yes," I answered. "Why?"

He smiled shyly, biting his lower lip. "I'm just asking," he replied. "You don't exactly look like an artist."

"And what do I look like?" I gave him a stern look. "Excuse me for not fitting into the stereotypical type of the human population."

"Sorry. I didn't mean it that way." I obviously upset him.

"And what are you studying?" I asked him, lightening the mood after my minor outburst.

"Art," he said as if I had just caught him doing something bad.

"You don't look like it either," I remarked with a smile.

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