Explanation of the mystery named Samael

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For many, Samael probably still remains a big mystery, because I didn't explain who he actually is until the end of the story. That's why I decided to fix it now.

As you may have noticed in the last chapter, Samael has wings. Black wings. So he is a fallen angel.

But how does this all relate to Arya?

The whole resolution actually comes at the end, when Amaya explains her story.

Throughout the whole story, I give subtle hints to reveal Samael's origin. The world of the damned. He liked to damn others. Older than time itself.I didn't want to name him Lucifer or Satan, that would be a bit too blatant. In Talmudic lore Samael is referred to as the devil and in Jewish lore he is said to be an angel of death. He is mentioned in many old stories and if you would like to know more about him just google it. There's a lot about him so it would be really long if I would want to write it here.I hope you now understand the reality of Samael.

And how does this all relate to Arya?

As Arya says at the end of the story, she once tried to kill herself, which damned her soul to hell. However, Arya survived, and thanks to this, she found herself on the edge of worlds. Samael found her but did not understand how it was possible that she was still alive, and if she was alive, why she was in hell. Over time, they fell in love and we already know how it continued...

I hope you enjoyed my story and will stay to read even something else from me.

Love, Tatia ♥

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