𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 was a bit awkward. you sat down at your usual spot in the library, opposite kazuha who was there early - as always. you opened up one of your workbooks and began writing notes.

the tension between you both was thick. the night of the party and the encounter at his house yesterday made things very uncomfortable between the two of you. but if he wanted to be weird about it that was on him. how were you supposed to know ningguang was his mom?

the usual silence was there but the weird thing was that kazuha wasnt leaning over the table to draw something on the corner of your page. you unconsciously pulled out the past notes you had taken to glance at the top right corner of each of them. on one of them there was a smiley face. on another there was a paper airplane. a cloud. a flower. a bird.

it had become a routine. he would draw something and you would glare at him. your pride wouldn't let you say anything but it didn't stop your actions. you took a deep breath then leant over the desk, placing your pen on the corner of his page. his head shot up in confusion, then looked down at his page.

you leant back, returning to your notes as if nothing happened. kazuha on the other hand was fixated on the small maple leaf you had drawn on the corner of his page.

you discreetly glanced up at him, your insides doing the twisty thing again when you saw the corner of his lips tilted upwards. maybe you needed to see a doctor. the rest of the study period was a comfortable silence.

the bell rang, signalling that it was time for english. both of you packed up then ended up walking out of the library together.

you sped up slightly, trying to put a distance between you and kazuha. kids loved to spread rumours and you didn't want anyone starting anything if they saw the two of you together.

you suddenly felt someone tug on the back of your jumper, making you stumble back. you turned around, shooting a glare at kazuha as he put both his arms up in surrender, pretending he hadn't done anything.

"if you walk that fast you'll fall flat on your face." you just rolled your eyes as you looked forward again.

"i'm sure you would have loved to see that." i heard a huff from behind me, followed by a low chuckle. he basically just agreed that he wants to see me fall flat on my face. prick.

you walked into your english class, closely followed by kazuha. most of your classmates had already made it before you, so everyone's eyes turned to the both of you when you entered.

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