𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎.

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"𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐌 𝐍𝐎𝐓 overdressed?" you asked, your voice shaking a little as you fiddled with your hands.

"of course not! you look great." yoimiya and shinobu were helping you get ready for your first official date with kazuha. although the two of you were dating - the two of you were still yet to properly go out. "where's he taking you anyways?"

"i don't know. he said dress nice, but does that mean casual nice, cute nice, fancy nice?" the panic was evident in your voice. "there's so many different kinds of nices!"

"y/n, calm down. you look amazing. he'll love it." shinobu reassured you as she brushed your hair. you took a deep breath, calming down slightly.

you heard a knock on the door and your mother asked if she could come in. you agreed and she popped her head round the door. "your boyfriends here!" she said excitedly. yoimiya and shinobu quickly dragged you through your bedroom door, giving you just enough time to grab your phone from its place on the bed.

you were being dragged down the stairs and once you were stood in your hallway, the two girls disappeared into a different room. you looked up, almost cackling as you saw your father standing over kazuha's relatively small frame.

"she better be back by 11. no later." kazuha didn't look worried or scared at all. he simply smiled and nodded.

"yes sir. she'll be back here at 10:59." your father's lips twitched up slightly as he headed back into the kitchen, leaving you and kazuha alone. his eyes trailed over your figure before connecting back with your eyes. "you're beautiful." he murmured, walking closer to you to wrap his arms around you.

you quickly wrapped your arms around him in return, melting into his embrace. he smelled nice and he was so warm. "let's head off, they'll be starting soon." you tilted your head in confusion, causing kazuha's lips to curl up in a smirk. "you'll see."

he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as the two of you left your house. he guided you through the streets and you just let him pull you along.

the two of you conversed in idle chatter, but it still made your heart race. the way he looked over at you when you spoke, listening intently. the way his hand tightened around yours when the two of you crossed the road. the way his voice was like music to your ears.

the two of you approached the bottom of a grassy hill, and you couldn't help but sigh as you looked up at the distance the two of you were about to walk. "are you kidding me?" you raised a brow at him, causing him to chuckle under his breath.

"it's worth it, trust me." you rolled your eyes playfully, mentally preparing yourself for the little trek. kazuha kept a hold of your hand the whole time, helping you up the steeper parts.

once you got to the top, you slipped your hand out of kazuha's grip and placed them on your thighs, trying to catch your breath. "i fucking hate hills." you caught your breath quickly and raised your head to look around you. your eyes widened as you saw the view.

"you can see the whole city from up here.." you whispered, your voice almost being whipped away by the breeze. since it was already slightly late, the sun had just about to set - casting a golden hue upon the city. the sight made you smile. "we're practically on top of the world." you claimed, placing your hands on your hips.

"come on, that's not even the best bit." you boyfriend took your hand, pulling you away from the edge and towards a picnic blanket that was covered with pillows and a blanket and a basket of food.

"kazuha..did you do all this?" you asked him, admiring the set up.

"it's just a little something i pulled together. come sit." without hesitation, you sat closely beside him. he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, planting a loving kiss on your cheek. he placed a finger under your chin, turning your head to face in front of you. "now sit back and enjoy the show."

the sunset was beautiful, but what was even more beautiful was the fireworks that suddenly flew up in the air. you heard kazuha shuffle beside you, but your eyes were glued onto the view in front of you. that was until - a carton of strawberry milk made its way into your vision. you snatched it quickly, the sweet drink being the perfect addition to the perfect moment. 

you rested your head in kazuha's shoulder, as the two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching the fireworks create beautiful colours and patterns in the darkening sky.

"it's so pretty." you murmured.

kazuha looked down in your direction, his eyes locking into your features. "very pretty indeed." he wasn't talking about the fireworks.

a little while later, the display ended and the sky was now dark, only being lit up by the stars. you looked over to kazuha, cupping his face with your hands and pressing your lips against his. he quickly reciprocated the action and his arms wrapped around your waist. he lifted you up and placed you on his lap, pulling away from the kiss and staring at you.

"i'm blocking your view of the city." you stated. you were about to get off his lap but his grip became firmer.

"you're the only view i need."

you were blushing as you tried to nestle your face into his neck. the two of you sat in eachother's arms and in that moment you were so glad you had called him your rival - and now, your lover.



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