𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎.

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 the next few days. wake up, school, study, sleep, repeat. even though you didn't get much sleep. you were too stressed to sleep or eat. akemi would occasionally bring you up revision snacks but the anxiety that had been reawakened due to exams made you feel sick to your stomach.

the last thing you thought about before you fell asleep on your desk that night was how you would finally beat kazuha.


you overslept.

your alarm didn't wake you up considering you had been up almost all night studying again. some people would say you try too hard for school, but it would all be worth it once you achieved the number one spot.

it was around 7:40 so you had twenty minutes to get ready and get to class. you sat up quickly, practically springing out of your bed. there were a few black dots in your vision and it felt as though your head was full of water but you shook it off as you threw on your uniform. you threw open your bedroom door but you felt yourself begin to sway.

darkness started closing around your vision as you leant against your doorframe to stabilise yourself. not right now, you didn't have the time to pass out. your vision began to blur as your head began to spin. shit. maybe you should've gone down for dinner.

your vision went, then so did you. your body collapsed against your doorframe, your cheek scraping against the little metal bit that stuck out.

you woke up soon after, the first thing you did was to check the time. 7:43. you were only out for a few minutes, you can still make it. you grabbed your school bag, running out the door after you slid your shoes on.

on the way you grabbed your hairbrush out of your bag as you ran. you attempted to brush through the mess of your hair. multitasking at its finest.

at 7:59 you burst through the doors to the front office, making the lady flinch and almost spill her cup of coffee over herself.

you quickly signed in before rushing to your homeroom. thankfully, everyone was too tired to pay attention to you, which you were grateful for because you looked a little rougher than usual. you fixed your hair, which was enough.

once homeroom was over, you grabbed your bag, heading to the library. as much as you didn't want to deal with kazuha's smart ass you needed to study.

as always he was there first. you sat opposite him and placed your textbooks on the table. you were still feeling woozy and running to school didn't help. you shook it off as you continued looking through your bag for your biology textbook.

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