𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 awkward to the say the least. kana didn't greet you as she normally would, she just stared at the desk. sure, you weren't the biggest fan of her, but you felt like the two of you could have been good friends. possibly.

you opened your back as mr diluc began teaching the lesson. you couldn't help but glance over at kana. as soon as you looked in her direction, your eyes met for a moment before she quickly looked down.

suddenly the teacher's phone rang. the red head quickly took it out of his pocket. "apologies everyone, i need to take this."  he left the room, allowing the students to begin talking.

after a few minutes, mr diluc came back in, and claimed that he needed to pick up his daughter, diona, from school as she was ill.  "don't do anything stupid." he said, before taking his leave.

once we walked out the door, students began moving their chairs and tables to be closer to their friends and the work had quickly been forgotten. you were staring out the window, appreciating the view. you felt a small tap on your shoulder.

spinning around in your seat, you noticed kana standing above you. "can we talk, outside. where it's quieter." you nodded hesitantly, before getting up from your seat and following her outside the classroom.

she was silent for a moment and you weren't sure whether to say anything or not. luckily, she broke the silence.

"i'm just..used to getting things i want. i know that makes me sound like a spoiled brat but it's true." she said, fiddling with her necklace. "so when the person i wanted didn't want me, i tried to sabotage it." she finally looked up at you, with sadness filling her green eyes. "i'm so sorry, y/n. i got jealous and panicked, and i acted like a bitch over a guy." she breathed out. "i'm honestly just so embarrassed about how pathetic i was being."

"i'm not expecting you to forgive me, i was really rude to you." she gave you a sad smile. "i kind of knew nothing was going to happen between kazuha and i anyway. every time i looked at him, his eyes were on you." she approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "you guys are perfect for each other, and i feel terrible for trying to get in the way of that."

you gave her a small genuine smile. "kana, it's okay." you reassured her. her eyes widened slightly. "i know you really liked him, and i'm sorry. i'm also sorry for spilling your drink on your dress." you said, referring to the party. "you looked really beautiful. you are really beautiful." you said, holding her hands in yours. "and you're going to find someone who treats you like you're the only thing in the universe that matters. you deserve that." kana's eyes glossed over as the black haired girl attempted to prevent the tears from spilling down her cheeks. she felt as though she didn't deserve forgiveness - yet here you were , smiling at her warmly.

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