5 Star ⭐️

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Sleeping soundly as if she didn't just score the biggest billionaire in the city, Bella storms into her room. Amber jumps up out of her sleep hair in disarray.
"Bella, you okay?"
"Jax Davis is in our living room with 2 big men in black." Still waking up she rubs her eye yawning.
"Are you packed?"
"I didn't sleep I'm running off Starbucks coffee."
"I'm taking that as a yes, Let me get ready."
Bella steps back out closing her door. Jax continues to pace her living room, he picks up a picture of her and Bella smiling at it.
"She saved up for a year to take me to Disney."
"You two look happy here"
"I'm always happy with Amber, I don't know where I'd be. She is the best sister ever."
"I can tell. She pays for this place monthly?"
"Yeah, you'd think she'd sell but she does have certain standards."
"This is a 3,500-a-month condo, she must work heavy hours."
"Oh yeah, she should have the weekends off but she normally goes in. She's resilient."
Jax stops looking at Amber's high school graduation picture, and then her college portraits. Her degree sat on the wall, her honors certificates plus more. It intrigued him that even with her backstory Amber made tremendous progress in her life. Graduating from Harvard in business management, no matter the cost. Working her ass off so she & Bella live comfortably. Debt and bills breathed down her neck but she shook it off.
"Where's your mom?"
"You'll never see pictures of her in here, she isn't nor wasn't much of a mom to either of us. She's a drug-addicted alcoholic."
"Ah, so she's in the wind right now?"
"Yeah, but I believe it's for the best. She causes nothing but turmoil in our lives. I just want to put her behind us."
"Sorry to hear that." Bella shrugged her shoulders as she started scrolling her phone. Amber finally emerges from her hallway meeting them in the living room. Hair in half up half down swooped edges. Barefaced with her prescription glasses on. Jax in his mind thought does this woman ever miss? He instructs his men to start taking their stuff to the cars.
"Good morning Red."
"Good morning." She says greeting him with a smile.
"You ready for this?" "No, but I'll get ready." "Today is all about seeing how we operate. You'll get settled, Go shopping with Jade, meet your glam team, then I'll see you at the office then home for dinner."
Amber grins looking at Jax.
"What you grinning for?"
"You said I'll see you at home for dinner." He looks down hiding his embarrassment that it slipped out like that.
"It is OUR home for a month." He says in her ear brushing her. His minty voice sent chills down her spine and he saw her shake it off a little. "I'm sleeping in your bed?" "You are, What are you scared of?" "Scared of what exactly?" "What I might do to you." He watched her eyes widen, her body stiff up as she was left speechless. "I'm fucking with you, I won't do to you what you won't allow." She glares at him, he gets notified that the car is packed, and ready and Bella is in the car. "We're good to go Red. Ladies first." She slowly walks past him with her purse in her hand. Before closing her door she turns to him "To reply to you, I asked because I sleep naked." She gives him a ha ha smirk leaving him speechless at her door, he shakes his head kissing his teeth with his tongue closing her door. "This woman man.."

He instructs his man in the front seat to hand him a bag during their lengthy drive to his estate. "First and foremost, y'all got new phones. Numbers already transferred, and probably still syncing contacts. Hence why your phones haven't rung since y'all got in the car." Bella lit up looking at her new pink iPhone 14 pro plus. Amber got a dark blue one and didn't even fuss, she needed a new phone. He hands them airpods and cord headphones. "Please tell me this comes with..." Before Bella could finish Jax handed her the newest Apple watch. She squeals causing both of them to cover their ears.
"Sorry, I'm a squealer." "So is Jade." He adds.
"I can so get used to this," Bella says.
"She's easy to please." Amber throws in. "You're not?" "Absolutely not." "I bet I can" "You bet?? Let's do it." "You don't wanna go there with me Amber." "No no no no, let's make a bet. If you wow me, one of these days..you're king for the day and I do whatever and I mean whatever you want." "In a sexy maid outfit?" "I— fine. but if you don't?" "I add 2 million more onto your 4" Amber sits and thinks on it before placing her hand out. "Deal" they shook on it.

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