The Island of Growth and Forgiveness.

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Arriving in the Dominican Republic, the sun-kissed everyone getting off their very long flight. The women slept as the men sat up and played cards enjoying Caleb being home. Julius sat on another part of the plane with Jade trying to get his mind wrapped around even being here. They were met by their driver and sprinter truck. The boys put the bags in the second sprinter before rejoining the girls. Carmen kept her sunglasses on catching Jade's glances here and there hoping she was not trying to start a mess. Carter pulls Rose's skirt down, she goes to slap his hand. Normal brother-sister behavior. Cane kisses Bella.
"Say hi to Julius," she says between the two of them.
"Right now?" "Set the tone for the other men, so yes." Bella turns him around with a smile on her face.
"Jade I'm so happy you joined us, same to you Julius." Bella subtly pinched Cane's side. "Wassup Julius, you good?" "I could be better." "Maybe you two could talk later about what's been going on, right J?" Jade says looking at him. "If he's up to it, I don't mind" "Yeah, fasure," Cane responds. Bella exhales smiling "Good great let's get out of this sun cause this is insane."

After getting to the Stokes villa you'd think this family owned the world how big this private part of the island is. Cut off from everyone but able to join the other side of the villa this is perfect for a bunch of horny emotional teenagers, just itching for a good time. Everyone's rooms were assigned with the world's best romantic and serene view. The mission is for it to be absolutely no drama. Celebrating life, forgiveness, and friendship as they're the new generation. They gotta set an example.

Cane steps in front of the big mirror applying his cologne. Carmen knocks on the door.
"Where's Bella?" He signals she's out on the balcony with her headphones on doing her classwork.
"She's a brainiac. Don't believe in vacation at all."
"She got accepted to take college prep classes at NYU. So she's doing that paperwork and essay so it'd be off her conscious."
"Oh, that's huge! Why hasn't she told nobody?"
"She was planning on it, I just couldn't help myself." Carmen sucks her teeth.
"You really are her biggest fan, I'm happy I could bring you two together."
"Thank you for bringing us together. The real thing here is what we gon' do about Julius being here?"
"I want to talk to him and you should too."
"Why? What's going on?"
"I checked his Instagram, his mom is dying. He hasn't said a word to nobody about it but your sister." Cane sits on his bed feeling his heart drop. His stomach caved in. If it's one person he knew meant the earth to Julius it's his mom, anything happening to her would cause him to crash out in every possible way. He couldn't help but let his anger wash away to be there for him in this moment.
"Damn Julius. I know he's been giving Jade hell." He says.
"Jade looks exhausted. At 16? This is too much for her to handle. He needs you." Carmen adds. "Where is he?"

Jade fixes her hair in the bathroom blasting music. With 3 hours until dinner, she's happy to take her time to perfect, perfection. Cane stands in her bathroom doorway staring at her.
"Looking like mom."
"And you look like dad, wassup?"
"Where's your man at? Why did nobody tell me his mom is dying?"
"How'd you find out?" "Carmen. It's on Instagram." She blows raspberries putting a roller in her hair. "It's been a lot on him which been hell on me. It's enough that I'm trying to graduate, working with Mom now, and then trying to be a supportive girlfriend. I'm just a damn girl. You need to step in." "and I'm sorry for that, my attitude about you two dating was pure stubbornness. You gotta understand you're my little sister, my job is to protect you. I wouldn't have cared if he came to me about being attracted to you but he went behind my back."
"I understand and I'm sorry too. I hate it when we're not on the same page. For so long until mom had the little ones it was just you and I."
"Now we becoming the new adults, finding our way in this life and we have responsibilities. You're not one of mine Jade. We just got here so fast."
"I know, I just want us to be supportive of one another. I want to know Bella to love her because you do."
"You love Julius?" "Yes, I do.. so I need you two to work it out. He's out on the dock."

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