New Character Unlocked.

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It's as if the air had switched for the Bryant girls after their mother's passing. Secrets were revealed, people were introduced into their lives, and teams formed. They both didn't know exactly what life their mother led in her prior life but they soon came to find out. Feeling their old selves go in the ground with her now they stood next to each other sharing the same confusion for one self. The wind hit them differently, and their thoughts ran differently. They dropped their roses on top of her casket as she made her way down to the ground. They stood there in the silence of it not knowing who should break the silent awkward ice between them. Bella peeks at Amber, who peeked at her seconds before.
"So, what do we do?" Bella asks.
"Go on with our lives."
"I guess we should be happy she's at peace, is it wrong it's not bothering me?"
"She was an awful mother to you so no. It's not wrong."
"I mean I'll miss her but I didn't know her yet she's all I knew."
"You can say that again. Well, now it's just us, permanently."
"Are you feeling okay? Better since your trip?"
"Now that our month is up, what do we do now?"
"Well, it may be over but.. that's still our new life. For other reasons, we just got our place now."
"Huge, huge place."
With Amber's month now over, her contract ran out with being Jax charity case. Not completely honoring her obligations due to the last few weeks. She still got all her money, a new place over the top of the city, a brand new G-wagon, and on top of that, a new man. After Turks and Caicos Jax didn't care the contract ended, he wasn't letting go of Amber. He agreed to get them their own space as they started to publicly date. Her life turning inside out she needed to start navigating dating a billionaire, find her place in his world and she's ready for that. Quitting her job, and selling her old place and her car. She's shedding the skin of who she once was to become this new shiny person with Jax. Madison lucked up getting engaged to her billionaire so Amber is about to be a bridesmaid. With their lives now everything they've wanted? They're ready to hit the ground running. On the drive back to their black Bella couldn't take the silence. Her secret about kissing a boy for the first time is eating her up now that their first date is looming over her head.
"I got a date coming up.. with a guy."
"Oh really? Who's this guy?"
"Umm, his name is Cane. Model rich boy."
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"His mother is Paisli Stokes she's a fashion icon in New York, and her clothes bags, and shoes cost more than YSL. I have a hat of hers on. How'd you cross paths with her son?"
"He hangs around Carmen and Rose, and came to the country club that night."
"Well I mean you're 15 so, I expected you to start taking an interest in boys. Have you kissed him?"
"I'm going to take that as a yes."
"It's no big deal, I probably wasn't that good being as though it's my first kiss."
"Oh Bella, don't ever sell yourself short. You probably rocked that boy's world to get this date out of him."
Bella blushes lowly agreeing.
"So you're not hovering?"
"Bella I trust you, I trust you to make good decisions. Now, when it gets to that time where your lady parts start speaking and you want to make them touch his, you come and talk to me."
"Oh god Amb, I'm not even thinking about sex."
"I've seen Cane, you will be." Bella gulps being saved by the ring of Amber's phone. Nerves took over about her date with Cane as it's tomorrow night. Does he want to have sex with her? Is he only pursuing her because he wants sex from her? Overwhelmed with thoughts she texts Carmen.

Jade rolls around in her bed with her brother's best friend Julius. With both parents, including Cane out of the estate, they privately could be in each other's skin. Unbeknownst to Cane, Julius and Jade have been sneaking around for months. Nothing has gone further than making out but it's nearly there. She straddles him breaking the kiss to catch her breath.
"We gotta stop this." He says.
"We do, or we can just tell everybody."
"Your dad and your brother are going to kill me."
"We can't help how we feel about each other. They can't control that or us, J." Jade and Julius are the textbook definitions of love. The deception of their being together just makes the heart grow fonder for one another. They have their issues and quietly they deal with them but Cane is aware he has a girlfriend he's just never met her to his knowledge. The whole time walks past her every day, eats 2 meals a day together, and shares parents. Julius knows how protective Cane is over Jade, he's been that way since he could walk and punch people. He's made it clear to his friends that Jade is off limits and to even attempt there's a consequence, Julius is willing to face that. Jade is worth every repercussion in his heart and mind.
"We do need to tell them. Before the ski trip."
"Before the holiday ski trip," They pinky promised each other. With that trip 3 months away that gives them even more time to sneak around and enjoy their little bubble of love.
Paisli talks to her housemaid about dinner tonight after arriving home. On cloud 9 Jade prances downstairs after sneaking Julius out undetected their normal way. Paisli notices her float around the kitchen to the fridge and then pours herself something to drink. She thanks her maid for sending her off to do her tasks.
"Hey, princess."
"Hey Mom, how was your day?"
"The norm, just working on the fall collection rollout and planning the show. How was yours? Still sneaking Julius in my house?" Jade's eyes widened.
"M- I-I don't know know what you're talking about."
"Oh girl please, I'm not stupid or naive like your father or brother. I know a girl in love or two sneaky people when I see them. You and Julius can't keep your eyes off each other when he's here or you're around. Now it's not my place to tell your brother."
"What about dad? Oh, Mom please don't tell Dad. He's overdramatic, he's overprotective and Julius is super good with me. He's good with my feelings and... I'm happy. If he were to ruin this for me..."
"I know, but you know if your father finds out I know he's going to have me in time out for a while. Even though I don't care. So, I won't tell him. You can when you're ready but just know I know."
"Thanks, mom."
"You're not having sex with him are you?"
"Oh god no, at least not yet."
"You'll come and talk to me when you do or before?"
"Duh, who else is going to take me to get on birth control." They did their handshake with her response "That's my girl." The door opens completely ending the conversation as little feet run through the house.
Caleb is joined by his 5-year-old sister, the baby of the family Penelope, named after her late aunt and looking just like her.
"Wow, they know nothing about silence," Jade mumbles drinking her juice. They enter the kitchen and hug Paisli as she's their favorite part of the day. Her kids, her life, and her husband are everything Paisli lives for. Zane walks in on the phone kissing Jade's forehead as she's on her phone, then coming around the counter to give Paisli a peck on the lips.
"Business call?" She says. He nods yeah so she knows he's about to step out somewhere or in his office.
"How was school kids? Let me see what you guys did today"
Cane walks in grabbing a sandwich off the tray picking with Jade by flicking her ear. She flinches lightly hitting Cane on his arm.
"You home pretty quick." He says biting into his sandwich.
"No practice today. Decided to come home and enjoy the silence before the circus got home."
"Whatever, let me find out you got a nigga up in here. The thing that weighs me down on my hip will be used."
"Daddy should've never given you a gun. You know I am old enough to date just like you old enough to have sex with any girl who gets on her knees."
"Yeah yeah, they wanna fuck me. That's the difference."
"Oh, and you don't wanna roll around with them?"
"Of course I do but I'm not the one pressing the issue."
"Uh-huh. Pig. You better not be running a game on Bella, she's a sweet girl and she's been through enough. She doesn't need a fuck boy like you playing around."
"Who said I'm playing with her?"
"That show you put on at the lake house, kissing her, yeah."
"You know I can make her into exactly who I want. She's like a fresh clean piece of paper, a rock I can turn into a diamond."
"You sound disgusting. She's not some build a bitch. Manipulative like dad." Cane rolls his eyes finishing his sandwich. Jade gets up out of the seat locking her phone.
"I don't see her as an object Jade."
"She's just another doll baby to dress up and move at your request. Very you coded. Let me know how that works out for you." Jade heads up to her room leaving Cane at the table as his parents came back in the kitchen and his younger siblings sat down.
"Where did Jade go?" Zane asked putting his phone away.
"Upstairs. I ran her off."
"What's this I hear you're taking Bella out tomorrow?"
"The restaurant called you Dad?"
"When somebody is renting out our rooftop deck, yes. So you like this girl?"
"I do, I'm her first anything so why not set the standard."
Paisli looks at Zane before looking back down at her phone.
"What was that?" Cane says falling back into his seat.
"I was your mom's first real anything too, but that comes with a lot of issues, emotions, and responsibility."
"You think I can't handle it?"
"You're not necessarily emotionally available Cane, I damn sure wasn't at 18. I was fucking and ducking."
"So what are you saying?"
"Son all I'm saying is make sure you know what you're doing because there's no worse feeling than hurting an innocent person. Especially when she doesn't deserve it." Paisli looks at Zane with eyes of endearment at his words. Since Cane listens to his father, Paisli stays out of it this time. After he leaves the kitchen to go and smoke on his balcony, calling Bella in the process, Zane then turns his attention to Paisli.
"How was that?"
"Good, but you do know your son gone hurt that girl."
"I foresee it, he can't say I didn't talk to him about it."
"You'll know if he cares about her if he comes to you and then comes to me."
"You're always right babe."

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