Haldi and marriage

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Everything was going well except the relation of the girls. Priya and Myra had a hard time managing sonali. They were not talking to each other from the morning incident. The pandavas, aswathama and duryodhan were sad about all the happenings. The pandavas even cried infront of duryodhan and aswathama the night before.

Now the time for haldi has came and the girls, Pandavas and dushala have to come downstairs for their haldi ceremony. All the girls except Pooja got ready in one room. ( The girls wore yellow lehenga's and Pandavas wore yellow angavastra and dhoti ). After a while everyone came downstairs to the ceremony area. The Pooja and sonali had a eye contact but Pooja broke it quickly. Arjun and Karn noticed it and found it a little odd.

" Come sit here " devaki said to sonali and jayadrath. Sonali went sat on the singhasans and Jayadrath sat beside her.

( The bride and groom sat on the singhasans and the other people will sit on the places arranged for sitting )

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( The bride and groom sat on the singhasans and the other people will sit on the places arranged for sitting ).

First the girls one by one sat with their respective would-be- husbands. Surrounding them sat the men on the mattresses which were arranged for sitting purpose.

Then sat dushala along with jayadrath who sat once with Myra. Dushala had a disgusted face while sitting beside him. She felt him touch her waist towards back. She jerked herself from him and sat in her chair.

Followed by her sat her brothers with their respective would-be-wife's. After a while they stood up took the blessings of the elders and away with duryodhan, aswathama, balram and Krishna.

The girls went away with dushala but separated their ways with Pooja after entering inside the rajmahal. " Tum Jaa sakti ho " Myra said to Pooja, on which she hummed a went away with speaking. Tears came to sonali's eyes but she didn't do anything. " Let's go " Priya said noticing sonali. " Hmm " the others said and went in the separate way.

It was the evening everyone was busy in their own works. The pandavas were being ready in one room. Duryodhan, aswathama, Krishna and balram were helping them. The girls were being ready in another room but Pooja wasn't there. She was in the next room.

The girls were ready and were sitting and chatting. While the boys were discussing about something.

Pooja was in her room crying and thinking about the morning incident. " I should have told them rather than acting " she cried out. " But it's never too late " her mind told her. She nodded at herself and ran out of her room. She was running through the corridors when the pandavas along with their brothers came out of their room. Arjun held her stopping herself from running. A tear dropped from his eyes seeing her decked up for her wedding but not for theirs but she is going to be married with another man. He wipped his tears and said " where are you going? ". " To my sisters " she cried out. " But wh-" arjun was not able to finish his words as Pooja ran away jerking his hand off from hers.

She stopped near the door and barged inside it. She was panting hard. Her sisters and dushala stood up seeing her like that. " What happened? " Priya asked coldly. " I am sorry " Pooja blurted out. " What? " Sonali asked. Pooja came inside the room, closing the door behind her. " I am so sorry didi but I forced to do it. Please forgive me " Pooja said coming forward towards sonali joining her hands. " Who? " Myra asked. " Huh? " Pooja asked. " Who forced you? " Myra asked again. " Jarasandh and Uruvi " Pooja said and started the story.


" I think we should run away " Pooja said to herself as she was pacing back and forth in her room. " Yes!! That's the best idea.. I think I should tell it to didi " Pooja said again and was going to get outside of the room when jarasandh along with Uruvi got inside her room. " W-what are you doing here? Gaurds! Gaurds! " Pooja shouted. " They all are unconscious princess " he said and tried to touch her cheeks. " What the hell!! Don't you have any shame? You are going to be married to my sister " Pooja shouted again. " Sshh princess don't shout no one is going to hear you. And don't even try to run away or else " Uruvi warned. " Or else what? " Pooja asked back. " I will do something to your sister in front of everyone that no one will like " jarasandh said. " W-wait no! You won't do anything to my sister " Pooja warned. " Oh if I want I can do anything " jarasandh said. " What do I have to do? " Pooja asked after thinking for a few minutes. Jarasandh looked at Uruvi smirking who was already smirking. " Drop the idea of running away and behave rudely with your sisters " Uruvi said. A tear rolled down from Pooja's eyes. " Ok " Pooja said.

Flashback ends

" That man " Myra said gritting her teeth. " Your idea is the best " sonali said. " What does that mean? " Dushala asked. " We will run away " Priya said. " What?!
Everyone exclaimed in chorus.

 " What?!Everyone exclaimed in chorus

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Hi guys!

How are you all? I am great now. I know I am updating after a longggg time. Please forgive me for that.

Now tell me how is this part? Are you all liking the plot twists?

Bye bye 💞💞
Have a good day ❤️

Yours lovingly,

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