Running away

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Author's POV

" What are you saying di? " Meera asked shocked. " We are going to run away " sonali said. " But how? Kings from other kingdoms have came " Myra said. " Also our parents, brothers and friends are going to be so disappointed if we run away " dushala said. " The kings whom we are going to marry can a wage a war also " she added. " I . Don't . Care " sonali said fiercely. " But how and where are we going to run away? And what about dushala? " Pooja asked. " Dushala is coming with us. Dushala I hope you don't have any problem " Priya answered. " I don't have any problem " dushala said. " I don't know where we are going to run away but I think we can request Krishna to help us " sonali said. " But where are we going to get kanha? I think he is downstairs or with the pandavas and calling him from there won't be a good idea " Meena answered.

" Looking for me, my dear sisters " a voice said from behind. The girls turned and saw Krishna leaning on the door.
" Krishna? " Meera whispered. " What happened why are you all looking so tensed? " Krishna asked. " Krishna save us, please " Priya said joining her hands as tears rolled down from her eyes. " Hey hey, what are you doing sister? Why are you joining your hands in front of me? " Krishna said and touched her hands. "

Tell me, how can I help you? " He asked. " Krishna we don't marry them " Pooja said. " Why? " Krishna asked even though
he knows everything. " We love Pandavas and hate the kings " Myra stated. " So, what do you want to d? " Krishna asked. " Kanha, help us to runaway " sonali said. " To where? " Krishna asked again. " We don't.... know " dushala said. " What about Kaliyug? I mean your home " Krishna suggested. " Yes.... that's a very good idea " sonali said.

" What about the Pandavas? What will you say to our parents? " Krishna asked seriously. " I don't know Krishna but only one thing that I know is you will manage, please Krishna you have to help us " Meera pleaded. " Hmm, okay " Krishna said. " Now come forward and stand together " he continued.

Krishna then took out the stone and started rubbing it but nothing happened. Suddenly they heard a voice. " Arrey girls how much time do you all want to get ready? Come fast!!! " They knew the voice, it was kunti. " Krishna fast!! " Sonali whisper yelled. " I am doing " Krishna whispered back, he was still rubbing the stone but still nothing happened. " Open the door " they heard another voice, it was devaki.
" Krishna fast!!! What are you doing " Meena whisper yelled. " I am opening the door " another voice said, it was rohini. " Krishna-" Myra was cut off when a sudden light came out of the stone. " Get inside, fast!! " Krishna whisper yelled. The girls pulled up their lehengas and got inside the light. " Bye, take care of yourselves " Krishna said and one by one kissed all of their foreheads lovingly. " Bye Krishna " they said and the light closed.

Suddenly the door burst open. Their stood all the three mothers. " Where are the girls Kanha? " Devaki asked. " They are not here...... I think they ran away " Krishna let out a sigh.

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How are you all? I am till now doing well. So how is this chapter? Did you all like it? This is a Rakhi special update.

Happy Rakshabandhan
To all of

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Have a nice day ❤️

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