Dirty Dancer

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it's been 6 months since you and him broke up.
well he broke up with you. He said you were too much, he couldn't take on another responsibility.

it hurt like hell. you spent most of your days in bed, crying your eyes out.
He was your everything, he made you happy, mad, sad and more. only he could do that.
But you finally got out of that sunken place and decided to get a job... at his club.

you didn't use your name while applying because you knew he would recognize it and decline the application. So, you made pop up a new name... a stripper name.

silver fox

it sounded great in your head so you went a long with it.
you walked into the club with a long black trench coat that covers the  lingerie you had on underneath. a black masquerade mask
that showed your pretty brown eyes. and you walked seductively with you're red bottom heels  clicking the floors.

he said he wanted a women and that's exactly what he's going to get.

"wait here" Jonny said.

you nodded head and begin to bite your bottom lip.
what the fuck am I doing?
you thought to yourself. In the moment it felt good but now you just feel stupid. he's going to recognize you. he said himself he'll always know what you look like, always know what your smell like. so what will a fucking mask do?

as you begin to back up after second guessing yourself, Jonny comes out to get you
you thought to yourself.

"he's ready to you"
you nodded and went in.

when you went into the room you stood in the middle of the floor, with your head down. you were to nervous to look at him.

"well are you gonna dance for me baby and just stand there all shy?" he asked, voice raspy from the alcohol.
you took a deep breath and took of your trench coat off slowly. you flinch a little as cold air hit the parts of your body that were exposed.

"what's your name doll?"

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"what's your name doll?"

"Silver fox" you said a little embarrassed.

the room went silent and you felt even more embarrassed. the name sounded cute in your head.

you finally look into his eyes and when you did he tilted his head to the side with an inquisitive look , you knew he knew but in that moment you didn't care.
"I need music" you said blankly.
he smirked
"what song baby?"

"Gangsta by Kehlani"
he put the song on and when he did, you forgot everything you practiced. you practiced this dance for a week and now you forgot it, but you couldn't stand there and not do nothing. so you free-styled.

you moved your hips gracefully, never breaking eye contact. you wanted to make him feel the way he made you feel. you could tell he was getting turned on by the way he was man spreading his legs. how his eyes longed for you, how his hands wanted to touch you.

it's getting close to the end of the song and you wanted to end it with something sexy, something  unforgettable. So you begin to walk up to him slowly, making sure you never break eye contact. you then straddle him and begin to move your hips. slight moans slip out because you felt his hardness underneath you.

the music comes to a stop and you tried to get up , but he held you down by your hips.

"take the mask off" he lowly growled.

"No" you said.
as your heart begins to pound.

"take. the. fucking. mask. off" he said once again, not really giving you a choice.
you took a deep breath and reach to the back of your head to untie your mask.
once it was off, you looked down.

"I knew it was you baby" he said while smirking.
"I could smell you before you walked in here"

"I just wanted to prove that I am women" you said lowly, still looking down

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"I just wanted to prove that I am women" you said lowly, still looking down.

"I don't need you to prove to me that you're a fucking women" he said with a growl.
"if I wanted a women I would've gotten one of these whores to come in here and dance for me."

"so what am I to you J? A fucking joke" you said finally looking into his eyes.

"you're my little girl" he growls lowly as lust begin to fill his eyes.
you couldn't help but smile, you loved it when he called you that. fuck being a women, you wanted to be his little girl.

you were suddenly taken out of your thoughts when you felt him take you off your bra.

"but tonight I want you to be silver fox" he said while removing your panties.

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