You either die a hero

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Hi Guys

WW with the new first chapter of Maggie and Bane's story, unlike my Winter Soldier this one has been spontaneous and I had this idea recently so please have a read and let me know what you think.

She sat staring at the man opposite, his face was covered from the base ball cap he wore low, he was a big build of a man but nothing about him stood out.

"Pull yourself together." She scolded herself as she realised how rude it was to stare, she focused on a picturesque beach painting that was pinned to the wall opposite behind the man, she could feel her fingers tapping on the wooden frame of the chair she sat.

"Miss Griffin. " A rotund man stepped out of the office, he stood about 5 ft 5 and was as tall as he was fat, his cream shirt clashed with his baby blue tie and were wrinkled from him sitting down for a long length of time, she caught his piggy black eyes stare at the baseball wearing man and then back to her.

Maggie smiled and moved towards the door, she caught the sweet I've strong fragrance of aftershave from the man that made her eyes burn for a moment.

"Take a seat." He spoke as he moved towards his desk that was miles too big for his office, it was very masculine with dark furniture that had looked darker against the pale white walls, a copy of Doctor Reed's new self help book stood in pride of place on his desk.

Maggie moved to the desk and looked at the cover of the book, Doctor Reed's broad smile and obviously photo shopped body covered the front cover, mail and a shiny metal letter opener was the only other objects on his desk. He caught her gazed and smiled broadly. "Number 38 on Gotham's read list." He chuckled proudly "They have said that I am a detective of observation, nothing gets past me."

Maggie smiled and sat herself down on the seat furthest away from the desk and Doctor Reed, she watched as for a moment he contemplated asking her to move closer to him but then after much huffy and puffing he came and sat closer with a clip board and sheets of paper.

"Now Margaret, Miss Quinn set this meeting up as she feels that you have suffered a severe trauma and seen as you will not speak to her she was hoping you will speak to me."

"It's Maggie." Maggie tried to stop the smile that played on her lips at his tone when he spoke about severe trauma "I bet the man's biggest trauma is walking up the stairs more then once." She growled inside her head.

"Maggie in life you have two choices when something bad happens to you you either have to except it or let it eat within you...."

"I've done some terrible things Doctor Reed in my life..." Maggie began but the rotund man was had started a speech and he wasn't leaving the script.

"'s like I say in my book, in the story of your own life you are the hero. Now I hate to rush you Miss Griffin but Miss Quinn only paid enough for an hour so would you be able to tell me what your issue's are."

Maggie smiled seeing the man behind the too sweet cologne exterior that Harley had told her about. "Where would you like me to begin?"

"The beginning of course." He spoke almost instantly, already doodling on his piece of paper.

"We'll I guess you could say it all started during the riots, the night Batman died...."

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes

This new chapter is dedicated to AngelTouch1



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