The Belle of the Ball

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The champagne slipped down Maggie's throat leaving a warm tingly sensation in the base of her stomach. She could feel her nerves beginning to calm as she smoothed her pale pink gown, it wouldn't of been her choice with its pale tone and delicate diamond detail but she couldn't deny it was beautiful, the matching purse already stuffed with enough jewels to pay off the doctors dept.

She had expected Blake to be waiting in the car for her but she had driven to the ball alone, she still waiting to see her date as she downed the rest of her glass. Quickly she swapped the empty glass for another as a arm wrapped itself around her waist the body attached settled behind her.

"You look stunning." Blake whispered in her ear as he moved around kissing her tenderly on the cheek.

"Thank you." She smiled feeling the familiar feeling of comfort "I'll be sure to tell the guy who bought it for me." Blake laughed as he received his very own glass, they moved together in to the crowd as Gotham's newly elected Mayor took to the stage. James Gordon had been the shoe in for Mayor ever since the death of Batman, even though he had been in the position a short amount of time change had already begun.

"Tonight we are here to raise funds for one of the most important parts of Gotham's society....the next generation." Gordon spoke his voice filled  with the authority of a former police officer. "These children do not have the luxury of a family at home to protect them that is why are here to provide them with the stability they deserve." A pang of guilt hit Maggie as she began to doubt her plan, as the Mayor spoke she glanced at John's face, she felt like one of those orphans that the Mayor was talking about if she was caught tonight the stability of Blake would be over.

"Dance with me." Blake murmured as Gordon finished his speech and the band began to play soft slow sound. He led her gently through the crowd his hand resting firmly on the base of her back, they settled in the middle of the floor swaying among the other couples.

"You look beautiful." Blake smiled leading her around the floor.

"Thank you." She smiled again, a small feeling of nerves built in her stomach as she moved along to the beat.

"I can make you happy Maggie I know it." Blake spoke his tone appearing more urgent "We have no secrets, we make each other better." Maggie looked up in to his warm eyes an answer on the tip of her tongue. "This might seem desperate but that's because I am." He spoke as he stepped away from her down on to one knee. 

Echoes erupted around them "Margaret Griffin." He spoke loudly catching everyone else attention around the room. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" As he spoke he produced a velvet box and gently opened it.

The room was suddenly engulfed in to darkness as the screams of surprise echoed against the dark walls. 

"This city will be cleansed." Random low voices spoke in unison no sign of emotion from any of them. "This city will burn." As there chant grew louder in volume a flame began from the corner of the hall closely followed by an explosion that caused Maggie's ears to ring she gripped tightly to Blake's arms, her eyes straining against the darkness to find any sign of an attack.

"Are you ok?" Blake murmured as the chant  grew louder.

"I'm OK." she spoke in to Blake's ear "We need you Nightwing."

"I'm not leaving you." He gripped her tightly, as the smoke began to tickle down both there throats, around them was chaos as people tried to flee the flames.

"You don't have much choice." Maggie began to shout as the panic reached fever pitch, a running guest hit her shoulder hard causing her to lose her balance "GO." She yelled as she turned and joined the panicked crowed. 

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