...Or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian

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"You destroyed Wayne Tower?" Doctor Reed spoke almost to himself, Maggie watched as the colour drained from his face as her story had finally come to its end. Nervous beads of sweat began to fall from the good Doctor's brow, she smiled as he shifted uncomfortably as a look of terror crossed his face "He's outside."

Maggie rose from her seat, a sweet devilish grin playing on her lips "You say that you are a detective of observation.." The Doctor bolted from his desk slipping he slammed hard against the wall, his hand hitting it hard against the wall to stop himself collapsing in to a heap on the ground.

"Arghh." He screamed as his metal letter opener was thrown, in-bedding in to the back of his right hand binding him to the wall.

Maggie moved towards the doctor "Now I am no detective but let me tell you a few things I noticed." Ripping the knife out of his flesh Reed crumpled to the floor, clutching his hand he furiously tried to move out of Maggie's way. "I noticed that you are a vile creature who is intimidated by my dear friend Harleen's intelligence." Kneeling down Maggie moved to his level. "I noticed how you managed to save yourself in the riots but left Harleen to die."

Reed's piggy black eyes stared up terrified at the sight of Maggie, his cream shirt wet with sweat "What do you want?" He stuttered still clutching his hand.

"Like you said Doctor you are the hero of your story but I've decided I'd rather be a villain." As Maggie spoke the door to the office creaked open, the man who had sat opposite her in the corridor entered, his cap was still pulled low hiding most of his face. He took a moment to assess the situation his black eyes moving from Maggie and then falling to the downed Doctor after a moment he slowly removed his hat revealing the distinctive face of Bane.

"Good evening Doctor."He spoke moving towards them both, Reed pulled back as much as his body would allow the sweat flowing freely from his temple.

"What do you want?"The doctor panted through the pain.

"Chaos." Bane smirked.


Maggie stood shoulder to shoulder with Bane as the elevator slowly descended, the plan had worked perfectly to get in to Arkham late at night, Reed had been simple enough Maggie had known that once she started talking he would of forgotten the time and would never realise that he had been left alone with the worse people in Gotham. She felt Bane's fingers entwined in her own as the elevator shuddered to a stop.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, concern masked in his normally stoic eyes Maggie smiled, leaning up she kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

"Let's do this." The floor that they walked out on the basement level of Arkham Asylum, two guards lay unconscious on the ground as they moved. Dark and dank with flickering lights they moved towards Harleen standing at the far end of the corridor. Her blonde hair was pulled back tightly revealing her pale face but she wasn't the one that they had come to see, punching in the code Harleen moved out of the way to the interrogation room.

Sat in the centre behind a table was a man, bound tightly by handcuffs and chains he looked far from intimidating. His hair was longer then Maggie remembered but just as unkempt and a unnatural green colour, Maggie's eyes never left the man as she seated herself in front of him the table keeping her a safe distant however relief did rest inside of her when Bane remained stood behind her.

"It's been a while Joker." Maggie spoke as for the first time since she entered the Joker lifter his face acknowledging her existence, his face was gaunt and pale then she remembered it made his scars appear huge across his lips.

The Joker eyed Maggie for a second licking his lips as he tried to place her in his mind. "I'll help you, a long time ago you saved my life by kicking me out of a school bus." At that moment the Joker threw his head back and gave a slow laugh, his cackle echoed off the walls as Maggie tried her best not to react.

"My have you grown, not a scared little child anymore are we?"

"No." Maggie smirked "I took your advice.. its a dog eat dog world kid."

"HAHAHAHA." Again the Joker errupted in to laughter "And your here to thank me?"

"I'm here to help you." Maggie smiled leaning forward, the Joker copied her moments as far as his chains would allow him. "I want you to do what you do best, I want you to reign chaos on Gotham."

"And what do I have to do in return?"

"When Gotham burns I want to be the one who ends Nightwing." Sitting back on her chair Maggie smirked "I mean you do know that Batman isn't actually dead right."

"You don't know that, no one can be sure." Joker snapped.

"But think about all the fun you could have finding out." Maggie smirked once more, they stared at one another trying to decide if they could work successfully together.

"I can't say no to such a pretty face." The Joker smirked, his eyes flickering to Bane for a second then back to Maggie "Partners?"

"Partners." Maggie answered back as Harleen entered the room holding the key, she gently removed the chains that bound the Joker down. "You can call me Magpie." she spoke as she stood, Bane moved closely to her side.

"Magpie wait." The Joker stood rubbing his sore wrist "I have a question for you." Turning Maggie readied herself for a fight, noting that Bane had tensed also, for a second all four stared at one another waiting for the Joker to make his first move as a free man.

"Do you want to know how I got these scars?"

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