One for Sorrow

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Alfred sighed as he buttered the fresh lot of toast, he knew Master Blake would make an appearance today he had to.
His chest ached at the similarities Master Blake had gained in his short time as Nightwing as Master Wayne had as Batman, a little smile crept on his lips at the thought of Master Wayne walking hand in hand with is new bride in an exotic destination.

A bang from upstairs snapped his mind to the task at hand. "Master Blake?" He called as he made his way upstairs breakfast in hand.

"Sorry Alfred, I'll tidy it up." Blake spoke as he struggled to tie the black tie around his neck, Alfred noticed to smashed 16th century vase on the ground but that didn't bother him, it was the look of defeat on the young man's face that made his chest heavy.

Placing the breakfast down, Alfred assisted Blake with his tie he had grown to the man wearing a black suit but not at all like this one. "You don't have to do this Sir." He spoke stepping back to assess his work "What happened to Scott Griffin wasn't your fault."

"Then why do I feel so guilty?" Blake spoke moving away from his friend.

"Because you are a good person." Alfred spoke noting that Blake had completely ignored the breakfast layed out in front of him.

"Maggie doesn't think so."

Alfred closed his eyes at the mention of that name, the girl who in the blink of an eye had almost killed Blake but who had succeeded in destroying Wayne headquarters. He was furious at the girl but he knew in his heart she wasn't all to blame, she was grieving and Bane had taken advantage.
Blake moved downstairs sighing as he did.

"Please don't get your hopes up that she will be there Sir."

"I know." Blake stopped as he reached the front door "but Scott deserves someone at his funeral." Then he left.

The house was so quiet as Blake's words eoched in his ears, he heard Blake's car drive away as his kind began to reel. The young man was right after all said and done the world had lost a soul, cut down in his prime in a tragic accident that could of been easily avoided, straightening his own tie Alfred grabbed his keys to his Aston Martin.

He moved quickly outside to the cold sun of Gotham settling in the driver seat an object on the passenger seat caught his eye, a single black and white feather rested beside him as he threaded his fingers through the delicate thing, he realised it was a magpie feather as movement outside caught his attention.

Stood metres from the front of his car were two figures both dressed in black, one woman and one giant of a man...


Maggie smiled as the Aston Martin went up in flames and black smoke, she sighed at the joy the sight brought her, turning she ran her lips against Bane's large muscles shoulder. "Let the games begin."

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