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She could feel the claws catching the bare skin of her back, her feet caught in the glue like mud beneath making her limbs feel heavy and not her own. A gentle hand on her head pushed away the nightmare, lifting her head up Maggie stared face to face in to the eyes of Bane.

Straightening herself she moved feeling conscious of the lack of space between them, she only stopped when she realised that his strong hand was resting on the side of Maggie's throat.

"Thank you. " He spoke, his voice sounded unlike him, weaker then what she had become used to. His eyes full of gratitude.

"Your welcome." Maggie spoke, as she felt the flow of chemistry between them a flash of her brothers angry face appeared in her mind, gently she prized his fingers from her throat. "Anyone would of done it."

Bane watched her as she stood, the warehouse was quite roomy so why did she feel like she couldn't get enough space from him. "How are you feeling?" She turned taking in the dirty windows and rusted meat hooks that swayed above her, when she had no reply she turned back towards him.  He was still staring at her but was now standing, his shirt bloodied with his own blood.

"Why do you fight it?" He asked moving quickly towards her, she backed hitting the wall hard.

"Fight what?" Maggie swallowed hard, she could feel the heat radiating from his body.

"The darkness I see in you, the calculated looks you get when you see something you want." Bane gently ran his finger along Maggie's collarbone making her shiver "Stop pretending to be something your not. Let it in."

Maggie shook her head furiously pushing against Bane's body not knocking him off balance. "I can't do that again."

Finally Bane relented from her pushing moving away, he returned to the table and settled his eyes never leaving her's. "Tell me what happened to you."

For a moment Maggie surveyed her surroundings a natural instinct when someone wanted to know about her past, no one knew the truth about her not even Scott. But in Bane's eyes she knew that she could share her deepest darkest secrets but would she be able to hold on to the last bit of light inside of her.

"I was born here... in the slums of Gotham. My mother was killed in Scarecrow's riots." For a moment Maggie closed her eyes picturing her mother's face from the amusement photo in her apartment.

"Me and Scott were bounced from foster homes to foster families, they tried to keep us together for as long as they could." Maggie smiled at the thought of her older brother always there to protect her. "The best time of my childhood was at the Wayne Manor..... then everything went to hell."

"Scott got kicked out of the home because he was too old and I got moved on to a new family."

"I was with then for two years and they were amazing, they used to let me see Scott, they even helped him get in to college all he ever wanted to be was a doctor. But I felt like I needed to help him so I started stealing stuff, anything I could find, at first they were understanding..... then not so much."

"The beginnings of a the if." Bane spoke folding his arms. "They got rid of you."

"They sent me back but it didn't stop me, I thought I was good at it until my newest foster dad caught me. I was 14 and I had stole a watch for Scott's birthday." Maggie instinctively balled her right hand in to a fist. "He made me hold out my hand and then he struck me with the hammer." Maggie breathed out only just noticing that she had been holding her breath.

"He took me to the hospital and told them I had trapped it in a door." Maggie's face grew serious, Bane could tell she was reliving every moment. "That's when I met the Joker."

"You were in Gotham Hospital."

"They got us out in to a school bus and Joker snuck in to ours." Maggie took a step forward. "He looked at me and my hand and it felt like he was seeing right in to my mind, the thoughts I was thinking, what I was feeling and I couldn't move. He took in my foster father, the scared little man that he is and moved so close to my face I could feel his breath and he asked." Maggie shut her eyes picturing the make up scarred face so close to her own. "Why so serious? "

She shuddered at the thought, even eight years on it sent chills down her spine. She moved towards Bane staring in to his eyes. "You ask me why I don't let the darkness in? I did after seeing him I recognised something in his eyes that I had seen in my own."

Bane moved slowly like he was approaching a terrified animal backed in to a corner. "What did that freak do?" His hands tightening as he asked.

"Nothing... he let me go." Maggie thought to the moment the Joker had stopped the school bus and let her leave unharmed, she remembered  the shock and the tiny feeling of relief as her foster father was still stranded with the madman. "He told me to embrace it, it's a dog eat dog world kid, don't be someone's meal."

Maggie smiled as the mad man laughed manically disappearing in to the distance. "Batman saved him and I couldn't get the jokers advice out of my mind, he was going to kill me so why didn't I get him first. I waited and when he fell asleep I took the hammer and I hit him till I couldn't hold my arm up."

"Scott showed up and he took over, he took the fall and everything he had achieved was gone because of me."

"You deserved justice.."Bane growled.

"I did it for revenge..."Maggie sighed "I don't regret what I did and that scares me, I destroyed my only families life because I couldn't see any other way out apart from attacking. That's why I can't let it in because someone will end up paying for it."

For a moment Maggie took in her surroundings, she surveyed the rusty hooks, the dirty floor. "My brother could of had so much more but instead he got this." Maggie turned feeling that all too familiar feeling of guilt deep in the put of her stomach. "We should go."

As they moved from the fire escape in to Maggie's apartment she breathed a sigh of relief to be home, her phone buzzed in her pocket as she looked at the name flashing on her screen. "Hello?"

"My favourite part of you is your eyes, there always so bright and care free. I promise when you do say yes I'll make sure they always look like that." Maggie turned as soon as Blake mentioned the unanswered engagement she could feel Bane notice that something wasn't wrong.

"That's why you should marry me because I'll make you happy and you'll always be safe with me." Blake continued though Maggie's attention was more focused on Bane who had heard what Blake had said. "I need you to accompany me to a very dull ball, where you have to get dressed up and drink champagne. A package will be arriving with your outfit and a car will pick you up at eight, I love you Maggie." At this point Bane stormed towards the cupboard room slamming the door behind him.

"I love you too." Maggie spoke the words to Blake but in her heart they were ment for someone else. Sighing her mind began to real with the pieces of a plan, she scrolled to another number in her phone book and pressed call.

"Scott I have an idea."

Hello! !

WW here with the latest chapter of Bane and Maggie's story! What do you guys think?

Thank you to everyone that takes the time to read all my stories, voting and commenting!

This chapter is dedicated to @whitekitty2000 !

See you soon!!



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