My Friend Harley

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She could hear the screeching of the birds behind her, her calves burned as she pushed herself forward her breathing coming quick and fast. The flap of thousand pairs of wings sounded behind her but still she pushed on, stumbling she felt her feet slip underneath her as she hit the ground hard. In a split second they were on top of her biting and catching at her bare skin, they clawed at her eyes and pulled her hair making her scream out in agony as she thrashed with her hands hitting out at the attacking magpies.

"Maggie wake up!" Blake's voice woke her from her nightmare, the scream still escaped her throat as her fingers struck out at flesh instead of feathers.

"MAGGIE, JESUS IT'S ME." Blake shouted shaking her removing the last of her dream, tears flowed down her cheek's as she realised she was safe at Bruce Manor, a lump filled her throat as she remembered the attacks she had lived through with Bane... she also remembered that Bane had left her.

Blake's dark eyes were filled with concern as he soothingly stroked her hair "What happened to you?"

The words stuck in Maggie's throat, she couldn't look him in the eye. Averting her gaze she moved towards him wrapping herself inside his lap, she could hear his steady heart beat as she tried to match her own to his.

"Shh, I won't let anything happen to you."


Maggie stared at her image from the vanity dresser located across the room, she noted how her hair seemed darker just like how she felt, she felt lifeless just like her eyes looked. It had been a week since she had arrived and she had still not spoken one word, the sentences were trapped in her throat. How could she explain what had happened to her? How could she talk to the kind, patient man in front of her about the dark and dangerous man she was missing with every fibre in her body?

She woke in a cold sweat every night, the same two dreams overlapping, magpies and decisions. On the 9th day she finally dressed in plain dark clothes that Alfred had left by her bedside. Staring at her self she noticed how hollow her eyes had gone, how all life had seem to have left her features, she brushed her hair away from her face tying the limp strands in to a pony tail.

"Maggie?" Blake spoke softly from the door, his dark hazel eyes filled with worry. Maggie forced a smile, she noticed his handsome features looked slightly worn and tired, she mentally kicked herself for causing this kind man pain.

"There's someone here to see you."

Her heart raced as she followed him down the halls of Wayne Manor, she could hear the distant happy cries of children who called the magnificent place home, she knew it wouldn't be him but still she could feel the slight drum of hope rushing through her body. In the entrance stood two people awkwardly ignoring each other, her dear brother with his handsome strong face, emerald eyes and light short hair, Maggie noted how he had grown a slight stubble across his chin. The other person was a woman who she had not seen in a few months but who made her smile even if neither of them were Bane. Her bright blonde hair was flowing freely down her back like a river of gold, her blue eyes were full of warmth and mischief except from when there looking at Maggie's brother Scott, it was her dear friend and college roommate Harleen Quinn.

After hugs and hushed worried words from Scott. Maggie sat on a plush burgandy couch resting a cup of tea in her lap opposite Harleen. Her friend watched her intently the gaze from those bright blue eyes almost unbearable.

"John says your in bad shape." She began signalling to Maggie that her silence wasn't going to work on her. "I can only imagine what you went through in the hospital Maggie but what happened after?"

Maggie placed her cup down on the coffee table in front of her, her hands began to shake as she felt a lump rising in her chest. "I know you lied to Scott and Blake, told them you were with the other, so what actually happened to you?  Did they take you?"

"Maggie this isn't you anymore, this is the old Maggie back in college disappearing for days at a time, me and Scott's really worried."

"Are you?" Maggie asked the lump in her throat finally dissolving allowing her to speak "or are you trying to focus on something else so you can't talk about what happened between you?"

Harley gazed at her friend for a moment, those aqua eyes assessing her silently "It's right me and Scott have things between us but it's over now, you have everything going for you and your about to self destruct like you always do. Blake loves you, you deserve him."

"Do I?" Maggie stared at her friend, her friend who she had shared so much with, someone who she thought would of someday become part of her family. "He's too good for me Harleen, I'll drag him down." She felt the lump rising inside her throat once more, she couldn't hold it in "Do you think it's possible for two parts of you to love two different people?"

"What do you mean?" Harleen spoke softly, she moved and gently took Maggie's hand "You can talk to Maggie."

"With Blake I can see the rosy, happy future that everyone wants. Marriage, kids but with.... with the other guy I see danger, lust.... adventure. Would it be wrong to be in love with a killer?"

They stared at each other for minutes, dark eyes in to light, Harleen broke the gaze flickering to the door and back to Maggie.

"Do you remember the riots?" Harleen asked her tone nervous.

How can Maggie forget those riots, it had been the first time she had met Bane, she nodded willing her friend to continue.

"I was working at the asylum when some of the patients escaped, my jack ass boss Reed had sent me to the farthest side of the centre. There was no way I was getting alive... until he saved me." At this Harleen looked away a single tear falling down her cheek.

"Who?" Maggie spoke the hair on the back of her neck standing on its end. She knew who called Arkham  home.

"The Joker. He saved my life." Harleen laughed a sad pathetic sound "ever since I've felt this pull towards him, there's something underneath that's good."

Maggie stared at her friend like she was a mad woman, she had lived through the torment of the Joker, but how could she say anything she was in love with Bane.

"So yes I do believe you can love a killer." Harleen wiped away her tears and composed herself "but that doesn't mean you should act on it, would you be happy with a life with Blake?"

"I think so" Maggie sighed as her gaze looked to the door, she knew Blake was somewhere outside of it, full of concern with her brother. "Could you be happy with my brother again?"

Harleen eyed Maggie, she thought deeply about her answer "I hope so."

Hi Guys

WW here with the latest update of Maggie's and Bane's story!

I know a few people have been dying for an update and I feel very bad for not keeping up to date :(

So I have started writing and have two updates for you!

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes. I never thought anyone would read this so it is truly amazing so thanks!

This chapter is dedicated to Rockinwiz!

Thank you please read, comment and vote and let me know what you think!

Had anyone seen the Suicide Squad trailer? Oh my God it's amazing! I always planned on Harley being in this story and in this chapter but she definitely had to be after seeing that!

And how awesome is the Joker ? I had already thought that they would never be excited about the Joker character just because Heath Ledger did such a great job.... but I can't wait!



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