In the Shadows

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 A tear fell from her cheek as the bomb that had been terrorizing Gotham exploded across the sea destroying itself and the Batman. She felt her body shoved back from the force of the blast, shakily standing she stood staring down at the ruins of her home city. Slowly she descended down the fire escape, her right arm throbbing obviously broken from a brawl a few moments before, hitting the ground she moved in the direction of help until a noise snapped her eyes down a dark alleyway. Gingerly she stepped forward to the sound of a pained moan in the shadows, her eyes focused in the darkness as a beast of a man struggled to stand, he crashed in to the cans almost knocking them over regaining his balance on his giant feet. From her position she could see his broad shoulders and bold head, his body was bent over hiding his face from view.

"Are you OK?" She spoke as she made her way to him, her body full of adrenaline, closing in she spotted the red spots of blood oozing from a wound on the mans chest. "Oh my god your hurt." Forgetting her fear she closed the space between them, her nursing skills filling her mind, placing her hand on his broad shoulders she made to move his body to inspect the wound, after a few moments he obeyed her delicate touch straightening his body and exposing his face.

"Bane" Her blood ran cold as she jumped back, crashing and knocking the trash cans over.  The man that had brought terror and destruction on to Gotham sank to his knees before her, agony etched on the small features that weren't covered by his mask. Her mind screamed for her to run but there was something in this monster's pain filled eyes that stopped her.

"Well what do we have here?" Turning her back on Bane she watched as two men stalked towards her, the adrenaline quickly returning to her body, grabbing a glass bottle from the ground she held it high in her left hand, ready.

"Back off." She spoke, cursing at how high her voice had sounded, still the men approached sneers across there vile faces before her.

"Ooh the bitch has bark." One of them spoke stepping ever so slowly forward until they were arms length from her.

"I have bite too." She spoke swinging her weapon hard across the mans skull, it smashed on impact, the other grabbed at her broken wrist making her yell out in pain, swinging wildly again she clipped the second mans arm causing a deep rip in his skin. The first thug had recovered from his blow and threw his fist hard against her face sending her crashing back on the street floor, kicks connected to her body as she felt the pain slowly turn to numbness, the darkness creeped around her blurring her vision.

Suddenly the men stopped there brutal attack by the almost forgotten Bane, even with a quarter of his strength he ripped them apart, there screams filling the crisp Gotham night. 

Her body felt like it was floating as the sound of Banes masked breathing filled her ears. "Thank you." Those two words escaped her lips as she became consumed in the darkness.

Hi Guys Whispers Watcher here with my brand new fanfiction! I am a massive Tom Hardy fan and as I was watching The Dark Knight Rises like it does every time Banes "Ending" bugged me, like seriously I ranted to my best friends who I don't think have ever seen the film for a good two hours! Anyway I thought that if you don't like it I should write a story that I believe in and so here is the beginning. 

Please let me know what you think from the comments, i am a full Marvel girl so this is going to be a lot harder then Whisper's story which is all planned out in my head while this one is coming as I write and don't forget to vote, read and enjoy.


This chapter is dedicated to Dtf720 :)

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