You Can't Hide Bane Forever

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"So what did you do?" Scott's voice was like a calming balm in Maggie's ear, she checked the busy Gotham Road before crossing.

"Made a lame excuse about having to talk to you and left. I didn't no what to say..."

"You could of said yes." Scott spoke, she could hear the noise of moving cars and shouts hinting that her brother was within Gotham like herself.

"I couldn't, it was like it got stuck in my throat." Maggie sighed, she could see her building on the next block, all she had to do was cross past the alleyway that was used as an unofficial parking area for people in who owned a car in her apartment building and she was home.

"Why didn't you say no?"

"Why didn't she say no?" She thought, the stab of uncertainty filling her gut. "I couldn't do that either." She heard Scott sigh at the other end of the line " Are you coming home tonight?" Changing the subject finding Scott the wrong person to talk to, his world was so black and white.

"Yeah, I didn't want Harleen to think I was presuming..."

"What? That she had forgot she cheated on her with someone else?" Maggie found the words coming out before she could stop herself, she loved her brother but sometimes she didn't agree with her choices. "That's something a girls going to find hard to forget."

"And a guy's going to forget that he asked you to marry him and you couldn't give him an answer?" Scott snapped. Maggie sighed as she began to cross the back alley of her apartment.

"Fair enough, I'll see you.." A collision of trash can't caught her attention as five hooded figures surrounded a downed beast of a man. "Hey!" She shouted adrenaline pumping through her as she instinctively moved toward the brutal scene, she forgot her brother yelling at her down the cell phone.

Grabbing a stray piece of wood she lunged cracking it across the back of one of the hooded figures barely knocking him off balance, turning Maggie noticed that his face was covered, he ripped the wood from Maggie's hands she felt her skin cut from the jarring action.

The figure hit her once across the face knocking her to the ground, she felt a sharp pain pulsing from her skull, adrenaline pulsed from her body as she thrashed and kicked at the approaching figure. An animal like sound yelled from behind the figure as the victim rose to his feet unsteadily, he threw his huge strong body knocking the man to the ground before the other attackers pounced on top of him again.

"Bane." Maggie's body felt like ice as she recognised instantly the man who was being assaulted, she could see blood escaping wounds on his arms, neck and chest but it was his face that broke her heart, his iconic mask had been pulled from his face revealing the grotesque image underneath, his eyes that Maggie had dreamed about since meeting him were locked on her own as the men lashed at him were filled with pain and fear.

She knew she couldn't defeat them in hand to hand combat, she knew who these men were, they were the League who had forgotten her instantly as they had become obsessed with the blood lust. She caught sight of one of the cars parked further up the alley, rising to her shaky feet she felt the ringing in her ears as blood flowed freely down her cheek, using her elbow she smashed in to the grey ford drivers door and opened it, quickly she messed with the wires underneath the steering wheel internally thanking herself for watching her brother boost car's when they had been young.

The engine roared in to life as she threw the car in to drive, her foot pressed tightly against the gas. The car lunged forward towards the League, she caught the white of the men's eyes as the dispersed like rats leaving a bleeding and bloody Bane.

Abandoning the car, Maggie pushed the car door open and fell by Bane's side "Bane listen to me, you have to stay awake."

She could hear the blind panic in her own voice, she fought the fear as she focused on his eyes trying to ignore the site of his battered flesh where his nose and mouth should of been.

"You have to stay awake, I'm going to help you." His eyes stared in to her hazel own, a movement from further up the alleyway caught her attention. She had heard the sirens moving closer. Her body buzzed with adrenaline as she imaged the League's men moving closer, she wouldn't leave Bane she was ready for a fight.

"Maggie?" Tears of relief fell, mixing in with her blood as Scott's voice rung in her eyes, her brother moved around the car his emerald green eyes fell on the scene of his baby sister nursing the mad Mercenary Bane in her arms. "What the hell?"

" help him." Maggie sobbed struggling to get the words out.

"That's Bane." Scott spoke, she noted his unease as he moved closer, slowly sinking to his knees.

"Help me.... help me get him in the car." Maggie sobbed as Bane's eyes began to flutter shut. "Bane!" She shouted white Hot terror filling her gut "Scott help me!" She couldn't understand why he was just knelt beside her

"That's Bane." She felt him move away from her, she heard the disgust in his voice.

"Scott we need to get him in the car..." Scott rose to his feet, his body radiating tension as he noticed the car still running "Please Scott the cops are coming. "

For a split second Maggie thought her brother would refuse to help her, something that had never happened in her life, he stared at her for a second then quickly helped her and Bane in to the back seat of the car as he took over driving.

"Where are we going?" He sped the car forward, the tyres screeching forward.

"I.. uh, I don't know." Maggie stammered as she caught sight of the blue and red lights reflecting on the alleyway walls. "He needs a doctor."

"There's a doctor in the slums who could help him." Scott spoke as he moved the car forward, Maggie could feel her heart hammering within her chest. Her gaze flickered down to Bane's staring at her.

"It's ok Bane. Where going to help you." He didn't say anything to her, she was unsure if he was able to without his mask attached but she was locked in his gaze as he moved his blood soaked hands to stroke her cheek, sending fresh tears from her eyes.

"I won't leave you I promise."

As the city of Gotham rushed past them Maggie tried desperately she fight back the tears, she caught sight of her brothers soft green eyes staring at her. She fought to keep the lump in her throat from rising, her secret was out and no matter what there was no turning back now.

Hi Guys

Happy Friday! WW back again with the latest update of Maggie's story, what do you think? Let me know in the comments what you hope to see in the next part of Bane & Maggie's story.

Thank you for continuing to read, comment and vote on this story.

This chapter is dedicated to AlejandraMendoza710


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