Road Trip

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"You need to slow down." Bane spoke as Maggie's foot hit the peddle harder the rain smashing in to the cars wind screen.
"It would be a shame to survive that ambush and die from htting a tree." Maggie tried to breath, forcing the air down to fill her lungs and slowly releasing her foot off the peddle to a complete and utter stop, she pulled her hands from the steering wheel realising how much they were shaking, she opened the door and stepped out in to the rain. Head hammering she suddenly felt warm as the rain soaked her clothes, adrenaline leaving her system, she felt the bile rise from her stomach rushing to the road side she emptied her stomach, the heaving shaking her body.

Bane's strong hands grasped the top of her arms for a moment easing the shaling, when her body relaxed he lifted her in to his arms and walked her back to the car, without struggling he opened the passenger door and placed gently in before moving to the driver side and jumping in. The heating was put on full blast as they returned to there journey.

Maggie body shook the warm air a welcome element to her rain soaked skin.

"I saw your scars." Bane spoke his eyes flickering to Maggie then back to the road, tension filled silence built to a breaking point, moving herself Maggie positioned herself with her back to him her eyes look put of the door window.

"Everyone has a past Bane." She spoke quietly the direction of the conversation making her blood run cold. "My mask is better hidden then yours."

They drove for hours in the direction of Gotham, the silence becoming that unbearable that Maggie only moved to turn on the late night radio.

"And her is Gwen with the news."

"Thanks Tim I'm here at Gotham General after it experience the worse terrorist attack in Gotham's history. It is also to he rumored that this is the first place that Gotham's newest vigilante Nightwing was seen."

This news caught Maggie's attention, she eyed Bane the killer of Gotham's last vigilante.

"Commissioner Gordon spoke today the importance of civilians not putting themselves in danger to take the late Batman's place however crime figures show that since Nightwing's first appearance every night since crime in Gotham has decreased.

Maggie felt a tickle run across the skin of her face, opening her eyes in front of her nose stood a single graceful magpie. It's jet black feathers were as black as ink a stark contrast to it's few white ones, it's eyes looked lime pools of deep ink as stared straight in to Maggie's.

It pecked at her nose making Maggie jump, she stared up watching the bird intently as it squalked and flapped it's wings at her. Movement at the edges of eyes made Maggie assess her surroundings, she was sat in the middle of a crossroads Bane stood tall to her left while Blake stood watching at the right.

Pecking at Maggie's fingers the magpie got her attention once more , it flew up in the air high before exploding like a firework it's black and white wings falling down on them. As if in cue Blake and Bane held out there hands catching feathers.

When the rain of feathers stopped Maggie stared at the two men, Bane held a single feather in his left hand while Blake held a single feather in each of his.

In front of her Scott appeared his emerald eyes blank "One for sorrow." He spoke eyeing Bane "Two for joy." His gaze turned to Blake. "You can't have both." His gaze finally fell on Maggie. "Decide."

Waking up with a jump Maggie stared out in to the rain filled blackness the car had stopped and she was surrounded by clean cut fields and a rolling drive, a huge house stood staring back at her, a place she recognised instantly.
"Why are we at Wayne Manor?" Whipping her head towards Bane he avoided her gaze by staring at the house.

"You are safer with the boy now." His words made her scalp prickle as they sunk in.

"No, no I can't just go. I can't just leave." Panic rose in her chest "I won't."

"They saw you." Finally he looked at her, his eyes as lost as she felt. "I cannot put you at risk... go to him he will keep you safe."

She felt the tears warm the back of her eyes, they fell wetting her cheeks even though she furiously wiped them away. "Will I see you again?"

"I don't know." With that single sentence Maggie grabbed the handle of the car, pushing herself out of the car in the pouring rain she let her tears fall freely, never looking back she knew her decision had been made for her.

She rang the bell finally allowing herself to turn but the car and Bane was gone. Light shone blinding her eyes as the great big wooden door opened, Blake stood in dark navy jogging bottoms and bare chest, his sides heaving and sweat covered his brow as he looked at her in confusion.
"Maggie." He spoke as she stared at him noticing more bruises covering his bare skin.

"Sorry for the intrusion ." She felt herself say as the door and Blake began to spin, her feet suddenly disappearing from underneath her and the warmth of Blake's arms at the side of her.

Hi Guys

WW here with the latest update of Maggie's story.

I cannot believe the amount of reads, votes and comments this story is getting. I am hugely great full for all the support and will continue to keep updating as often as I can.

This chapter is dedicated to wendyzloverz

Please read, comment and vote and let me know what you think of this chapter.




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