The Doctor

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They drove through the streets of Gotham, the sound of the sirens fading behind them as they embarked on the worse part of Gotham.

The slums had been both Maggie's and Scott's home once, according to Scott they had lived in a small one bedroom apartment before everything had fallen apart. Maggie hadn't been back her since, finding the thought of her mother dying on the disgusting streets too much to bare.

The car rolled to a close outside an abandoned factory. Scott turned and eyed Bane lying across Maggie's knees.

"We leave him here." He spoke never looking at Maggie's hazel gaze.

"Where taking him in." She shot back, she could feel the adrenaline bubbling under her skin.


"Scott!" She shouted back cutting her brother off. "We take him in." For a second she thought he would argue but with a huff they both struggled with Bane's weight and dragged his limp body inside.

The factory must of belonged to a butchers at one point, giant metal hooks hung from thick inch chains above them, one lonely light buzzed from above.

Movement from further within made Maggie shout out for help as a long reed shaped man appeared. His hair was lank and black with grime as we're his clothes, the only thing that stood out were his clean, bleach smelling hands that he moved in front of him avoiding touching any of his surroundings.

"What?" He snapped, his voice sent shivers down Maggie's spine.

"We need your help." Scott spoke, his voice curt.

"$25000 for surgery. "

"We don't have tha.."

"OK." Maggie spoke cutting Scott off mid sentence.

"Maggie we can't afford this."

"I will sort it Scott. This is my mess and I will sort it out." They glared at one another for a moment. Hazel eyes staring back in to emerald, neither wanting to back down.

"Fine!" Scott snapped, he sneared at the Doctor "We'll get you the money."

"You have two days." The doctor snapped as he began rummaging in the cupboards and drawers around him, the sound of metal instruments catching each other sent shivers down Maggie's spine. "You have 1 minute to leave before I begin." He spoke again placing his instruments at the side of where Bane layed, snapping surgical gloves in to place.

Scott moved towards the door only stopping when he realised his sister wasn't following "Maggie."

Maggie stared in to the black gaze of Bane's, she could assume how much agony he must of been in but he hadn't made a sound since entering this God forsaken place. His muscles jumped slightly as his eyes were filled with a terrifying calm, this wasn't the first time he had been through something like this. A back alley procedure, a dirty surgery and an untrustworthy doctor.

"I'm staying." She heard herself day as she pulled a box to Bane's side, gently placing her in hand in to his.


"Thank you Brother, I'll take it from here."

For a moment the silence was deafening, then she heard her brothers disappointed sigh and the slam of the door and then the doctor began and Maggie thought in that moment that the wold would never be silent again.

Hi Guys it's Whisper's Watcher here with the latest update.

A massive apology for the delay with this update but it is finally complete


Anyway thank you for the ongoing support with the story and all my others and I promise this story will be complete and finished by the end of this year!!

This chapter is dedicated to

Let me know what you think and what you would like to see in the chapters to come




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