Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot

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Lily POV:

When Rory Gilmore gave birth to her first child, she declined her mothers suggestion of naming her after herself and instead named her after her grandmother, Emily, as a tribute. 

But I would go on to be called Lily, for short. 

I walked through Chilton towards the doors quickly, to catch the filthy bus before it leaves. Emily picked me up on Fridays for dinner but is usually busy at the museum other days so that means I have to take the bus. Emily tried to get me a car, but my mother just had to refuse. 

"Excuse me," I say as I push through the crowds to not miss my bus. I've already missed it twice; and had to walk half a mile to the next bus stop. 

"Hey! Lily!" I ignored the familiar voice calling my name as I exited the school doors, my steps quick and on a clear path. "Lily? I'm here to pick you up, you don't have to take the bus today." The voice was right behind me: no way to avoid him. 

I turned, offering him a blank look. 

My father. 


The trash my mother decided to pick up, according to Emily. "Fine." I followed him to the car, an old one which I felt humiliated to be seen in as everyone else got into their expensive cars. I swear I can see those looking cast me judging looks, either for the car or the man but maybe both. I hold my head high despite it; owning it. 

Jess turned the radio off as soon as I turned it on, so I turned to the window instead to avoid talking to him. Despite being my father I had never felt any connection with him, we don't even look like each other. He was a nothing and a nobody, and I am his kin. Though my last name is my mothers maiden name, Emily had it changed for me after convincing Rory when I was twelve. I was surprised she agreed, but Emily has a way with words. I'm the only one with a different last name in my immediate family. 

"So..." he taps on the steering wheel, drawing off. "So?" I snap at him. 

He takes a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. Angering him is hard, bu I like the challenge. I know he hates me, and I know I hate him so there's no point in pretending that he's not counting down the days until I leave for Yale. I am too though, so I can't judge. Two more years. 

"How was school?" 

"It's still there. I still go." 

"Care to explain?" 

"Jeez, I don't know. I got the top mark in my Calculus class exam... oh I'm sorry, do you know what that is? I'm happy to explain it to you." He grips the steering wheel slightly at my bitter words. 

He doesn't want to be anywhere near me. 

Most people don't, even I don't. 

"Are you excited for your birthday?" 

"I suppose. Are you excited to see wealthy people?" I don't know how to stop my anger from leaking into my words, like poison which I can't contain for too long. 

"Yeah, maybe they'll bark and make chicken noises." He responds back, sarcasm dripping from his tone. "I'm sure you'll fit right in then, maybe they'll make you their king." I reply. 

"Listen, Lily, I just--I just want us to have a normal conversation. Please." He asks, I don't look at him but I can picture his face. Tired, tired of me. "Fine. Speak, if you must." 

"Are you excited for your birthday party at that place Emily is renting out?" he asks, again with new words added. "Yes, it was what everyone was talking about. She invited my whole school, it was nice seeing everyone with the invitations and telling me they'll come. There's going to be sushi and salmon puffs and a red velvet three tier sweet sixteen cake. I helped work out all the details, so it'll be perfect. My birthday is an annual event to hit off all the others, which most cross off in their calendars months in advance. So yes, I'm excited . Any other questions, Samual Murrey?" I ask him, glancing to watch confusion shadow his face. 

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