Season 1, Episode 11: The Puff Talk

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Lily POV: 

I sit at the Puff table at lunch, right next to Marilla Jarvis. Luckily, Ella has not been puffed and if I have my way she never will be. Marilla is a year my senior, yet ever since meeting I have become one of her right hand men. This isn't to say I suck up to her or anything, but that she trusts and likes me so when she graduates I'll be next in line to lead the Puffs. 

Marilla said the connections you make in this group will last a lifetime, and I took her bait. 

I peel my vanilla yogurt open, my spoon ready as I position my tray in front of me. I always eat the same thing, a vanilla yogurt and cream cheese bagel with a side of carrots and a sparkling water. 

"So, whats the scoop, Marie?" Lisa asks Marilla as soon as she sits down, her brows wiggling suggestively. With an elegant push of her red curls back, Marilla grins from ear to ear waiting a few more seconds until everyone has been seated. 

Marilla has the scoop on everyone, no one is safe with her around. I've never been a fan of gossip, but I can't say that I don't listen when Marilla spills. I'd be a fool not to listen. 

"Well, if you really want to know... You know who was caught in the Deans office, smoking!" Gasps erupt from her statement. "In the Deans office? The nerve!" Whispers travel fast. 

Of course, we all know exactly who you know who is. None other than the infamous Josh Dugray, one of the many foul things on this planet. I've hated him since the ninth grade, when he was assigned my lab partner only to proceed to do nothing and still take half of the credit. Then, he told everyone that I had a penis at the end of the ninth grade because I refused to go on a date with him and might have called him a brainless bimbo. The third incident was the worst of all, at least to him, when I told the headmaster it was him who threw the party in the parking lot which got five people expelled, including him. I wasn't at the party of course, but I had gone in on the weekend to set up for my presentation when I walked in on it just as the police arrived. 

The Headmaster knew I'd spill, and he guessed right. He then made the mistake of telling Josh I was the one who snitched on him and he despised me after that. 

Ever since, whenever he sees me Josh Dugray has asked me out mockingly. In return, I have taken it upon myself to avoid him whenever possible to avoid public humiliation. 

"And?" I demand, my hatred of him surfacing. 

"And," Marilla continues slightly annoyed, "he was sentenced to school community work. Which means he's joining the planning committee this year." Marilla finishes. 

"No, he can't be." I say, because I'm on the planning committee and I can't work with him let alone be in the same room as him. "Oooh! That'll be fun!" Cheryl grins, waving with her tuna sandwich. "I might just join this year..." Cheryl laughs. 

I kind of hate Cheryl, too. 

"Don'y be silly, Cherry," Marilla says, using Cheryl's weird nickname, "that would mean actually working, and on something other than your wardrobe." 

Cheryl rolls her annoyingly green eyes with a smirk, "Who said anything about work? Besides, as awful as he can be you all must admit you either want to join the planning committee now or very glad you already have." 

Half the table erupts in giggles at that. 

I scoop a perfect spoonful of vanilla yogurt, waiting for the subject to change. And it does, to prom colours. 

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