Season 1, Episode 9: Tea for Two

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Emily POV: 

Lily was running late, for the first time since Emily had started Saturday afternoon tea's with her. Since Lorelai had married Luke, Rory had had Lily and Chris and married Jess the Friday night dinners had gotten far more busy. In order to have private catching up time with Lily, Emily had started a new tradition. 

Emily hated tardiness, she checked her watch again for the fifth time. It was 3:10, Lily was ten whole minutes late.

She had made the mistake of ordering the rose tea, mini cucumber sandwiches and scones slottered with rasberry jam and clotted cream. The scones were only for Lily, Emily needed to cut back. Yet as Emily waited for her great grand daughter, she couldn't help but remember how great a warm, buttery scone with jam and clotted cream was so if Lily didn't get there soon Emily would not be able to resist helping herself any longer. 

11 minutes, Emily checked again. 

Lorelai was away on her trip, and besides post cards, she didn't have much contact with Emily while Rory was so busy taking care of the inn and writing her fourth book that she hadn't contacted Emily either. Not to mention Rory was always busy with her family anyhow. 

So Lily was all Emily had to keep her updated on the ongoing's. 

12 minutes. 

Emily made a mental note to tell Lily to polite rules of meeting someone, such as coming on time or early. Never, ever, late. 

Emily saw her hair first, Lily had perfect hair. Medium blonde and up to her waist now in a shiny, smooth halo around her. In her hair there is a black bow, and she's dressed in a white polo shirt with a tennis black skirt and ballet flats with a large black purse matching her bow and skirt. 

Lily was talking to the hostess before catching sight of Emily, locking eyes with her, and waving with a small smile. She said something to the hostess before walking over. 

Lily leaned over quickly to place a quick kiss on Emily's cheek before slipping into her seat in front of her. "Sorry I'm late, Emily. Jess had me stay late because I took a longer break. I had to clean the grill." Lily made a face, picking at her french tip nails. 

"That's horrible! He shouldn't do that to you. I'm going to have a talk with your mother about this." Emily decided sternly. 

"There's no point, she's still mad at me. Though he's angrier. I think mom believes me but he doesn't for some reason. I'm telling the truth but no one trusts me!" Lily whines. 

"Well, it is hard to believe," Emily said carefully, wary of Lily's hot and quick temper, "It seems awful confident. Doesn't it?" 

Lily rolls her eyes in a histrionic manner and makes a face. 

"I swear, I've never drank alcohol. And I never will after this. It tasted horrid, though I had just assumed the waiters had messed it up. I mean, it's poison, isn't it? I don't get why people want to poison themselves. It is idiotic and so very... undignified." Lily makes a face at the thought and Emily feels relieved, able to fully believe that Lily was still a good egg. 

"I believe you completely. Now, shall we speak of more pleasant things?" Emily proposed. "Oh yes. I'd like that." Lily replied with a smile. 

"I've decided to run for tenth grade representative for the student body government. I think I'll win." She adds, examining her french tip nails. Lily told her all the girls got them and made fun of her last year but Rory had said no, so Lily had taught herself to do a french tip. 

"Why is that?" Emily asked her. 

Lily looked up, mischief gleaming in her bright blue eyes. "I'm a puff, but don't tell mom or dad. Or anyone." 

Emily paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond. 

"The Gilmore's aren't a puff family generation line though," Emily replied. "How did you even get in?" 

Lily smiled, slowly. 

"I have my ways. I'm friends with Marilla Jarvis, whose mother used to pretty much run the puffs and that was my window. The trick is to act like you don't really care, but not as much as disinterest. And act as if they need you, not the other way around." Lily said proudly. 

Emily was surprised, Lily was oddly ruthless in getting what she wanted. It reminded her of herself as a teenager, with Rory's smarts. 

Lily picked up her tea, taking a quick sip before piling her plate with three scones and two sandwiches. 

"Tell me," Lily said taking a bite of her scone "how is the museum? Did you figure out the issue with the missing piece?" 

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