Season 1, Episode 12: Two Sides of One Coin

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Lily POV: 

"Hey Magdalene," I walk faster from Josh's voice but he jogs to keep up with me. 

"Go away," I growl at him as he blocks the hallway fro me. "Now, that's not very nice, is it?" he taunts me. His three friends circle around me as he grins down at me. 

He pulls out a crumpled daisy from his pocket, grabbing my hand to place it inside. "I got you that flower, go out with me?" he asks and his friends laugh at us. At me, really. I let the daisy fall to the ground before stomping at it while keeping eye contact with him. 

Josh places a hand on his chest, in fake hurt. "Ouch, you wound me Magdalene." I narrow my eyes at him, he knows that nickname pisses me off. "I would rather date a spider than every consider going out with you. You are pathetic and a complete lowlife who is a waste of my time. You, Josh Dugray, are a waste of space who will only benefit this world when he dies." I spit at him, walking around him towards the doors. 

"I'll pick you up at seven, then?" he calls after me, followed by a loud display of laughter from his friends and onlookers. 

I hated the way he made my blood boil, the way he made me want to rip his stupid brown hair from his stupid head. 

When I walk out of school, there is Jess. Holding a big greasy brown bag and a goofy smile as he waves me over. I hold my head high and approach him, though I can't say the hushed whispers don't annoy me. 

Cheryl grabs my arm before I reach him, leaning in to my ear to whisper, "Who is that hot guy?" she winked, "You guys.... you know? He is older too, good for you!" 

I make a face at the very thought. 

"No, ew. That's my dad, Cheryl." She rolls her eyes. "Can I have him then?" she asks like he's the last piece of pizza. "Yeah, go for it. You'll have to fight my mom though." I scoff at her. 

"Lily!" Jess calls over, finally spotting me with Cheryl. I wave him off before turning back to Cheryl. 

"Are we done here?" I ask her, she shrugs and walks off but not before walking up close to Jess, looking him up and down with a smile and whistling. I wait until she's gone before going to greet Jess by the car. 

"What was that about?" Jess asks me with a laugh as we get in the car. It smells like rain and vanilla and cinnamon and Rory all rolled into one. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about." I remark, ignoring his confused glance. "I got us burgers. I got yours with extra onions, lettuce and no sauce or pickles. Two cheese." He tells me, passing me the grease back. My stomach growls in hunger. 

"Maybe just a bite..." I decide, opening the bag to take out my burger. "Thanks," I add lamely and unfeelingly. 

"I saw you talking to a guy as you were walking out, boyfriend?" he asks, his voice is light but I can see how he's gripping the steering wheel. He hates this. 

I sigh histrionically before answering him, "Josh doesn't like labels, it's very... casual." I decide. I watch his knuckles go white. "What do you mean by... casual?" his voice is strained now, he's losing control. 

"Oh, you know, just physical. Nothing else. He was actually making a... casual... date with me just now." I add, just to see what will happen. It's been awhile since I've had this much fun. 

"Maybe I should meet this guy. It sounds like you're pretty serious." Okay, maybe I took this a little too far. I shake my head with a scowl, "Josh doesn't like parents." Instead of ending, it seems as if I've only made it worst. 

"You know, you're mom never got that... serious with a guy at your age. She waited until she was an adult, maybe you should try that." Jess tells me, only making me angrier. "She had a boyfriend though, right?" I ask him and he nods. "Yes, you're mom had a boyfriend but he... he wasn't a bad guy. Your grandma Lorelai loved him, they all had movie nights together. If you want to have a boyfriend, you could do what she did." He suggests. 

"No, I don't want a boyfriend right now." I don't lie. 

"Okay then, maybe not." Jess says. 

I hope he'll forget about this, but knowing Jess he'll probably quietly sulk about it for a day and then decide he no longer cares or something. 

I turn the radio on, giving him space to sulk in his own silence the entire rest of the way home. 


When we get home I go straight to my room. Rory is still at the inn, while Chris is putting together a giant puzzle he got for his birthday with over a thousand pieces on the living room floor. I peek through my door to see Jess taking a seat next to him to help Chris, who starts explaining his system which is probably very complicated and inane. 

Jess and Chris are two sides of the same coin, while Jess is much more introverted and Chris couldn't be more extroverted. Other than that, they are the exact same though. 

When I was little, I wanted horribly bad to be just like my mom. Everyone was always saying how perfect and amazing she was, how calm and easygoing, both of which are qualities I've never had. I gave up somewhere along the eighth grade in favour of just being myself. 

I take out my books to do the one thing young Rory and I had in common, studying.

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