Season 1, Episode 7: Old Flames and Secrets

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Lily POV: 

My punishment was taking an extra shift at Luke's diner. Punishment for not knowing my drink was spiked, or throwing a fit, or maybe running this morning. I wouldn't know which; I never asked but it's a punishment all the less. 

Luke will be gone for four more month's, leaving Jess in charge. I don't like working with Luke all that much, but this is worst. Jess is also mad at me currently so it only makes it worst. 

"Hello, how are you today?" I ask Kirk, preparing myself to hear a one hour story that doesn't even answer my question. "Well," Kirk begins and I force my smile to stay. "Lulu is away with her class on a field trip today, and I wanted to tag along but she said no and it turned into a whole thing. So now I'm going on my own field trip to playland and not inviting her, see how she likes it! Want to come?" he asks. 

"No. What do you want to eat?" I ask, and he nods. "Okay. Your loss. I'll take a... club sandwich." I scribble his order down. 

"But, no mayo, peanut butter instead. And no ham because it makes me gassy, actually no lettuce or tomato because I don't want anything healthy right now." He adds, which I write down. "Is that all?" I ask because he looks confused. 

"Screw it, no bacon or turkey too." 

"Is that all?" 

"Actually, add some jelly. Strawberry, if you have it," he decides, finally folding up the menu. "Oh, and a glass of coffee with lots of milk, and no coffee. Warmed up would be nice." 

"So a peanut butter jelly sandwich with a cup of milk?" I ask him. 

"No, because that would be childish." He explains, handing me the menu. "Right." I say, cursing my job for the fourth time today. 

"In a timely manner would be nice!" he adds, I give him a look and he quickly fixes his sentence, "Take your time!" I nod with a smile and head back to the counter. 

After reading the order to Ceaser, I take a look around the diner for anyone I haven't gotten an order from yet. There was a guy in a corner who appeared to have just walked, probably while I was with Kirk. 

"Get his order, will you?" Jess calls over to me, heading out to serve with two hot plates. 

I was just about to do that, I think to myself but bite back a reply. 

"Hello, how are you doing today?" I ask him. He's tall, with brown hair and some scruff. He must be visiting, because I've never seen him before. "I'm doing great. How are you?" he asks. 

"Fantastic. What can I get for you?" I ask, as he examines my face. "I'll have some blueberry pancakes please, and a cup of coffee." 

"Great, I'll put your order in right away." I smile, turning to leave. 

"Are you a Gilmore?" he asks before I've even taken my first step to the counter. I turn, unsure of how to proceed. "Why?" I ask, hoping my face doesn't look as uncomfortable as I feel. "You--never mind. Your eyes just reminded me of someone," he shakes his head, "It's stupid. Sorry." 

"Rory Gilmore?" I ask and he perks up, nodding. "Yeah--is she a relative of yours?" he asks and I shrug. "I guess you could say that. She's my mother. How do you know her?" His eyes go wide, though I can't tell from which part--her being my mother or how he knows her. 

"We, uh, used to date back in high school. Then again when she was at Yale. Gosh, I haven't see her for years." His eyes are misty as if he's deep in some memory. 

"Do you mind if I ask what she was like?" He blinks at my question so I rephrase, "What was she like back then?" I ask, despite myself. My mom never talks about herself in her youth, neither does Jess or anyone else except that she was a brilliant student. Everyone in my family is so secretive that I can't help but grab at the first string to the answers I want. 

"Rory--she was so smart. Always reading, or studying or listening to music. Do you read?" he asks me, nodding at the chair in front of him and the next thing I know I'm sitting down. 

"I love reading. I'm reading Moby Dick right now, but I like murder mysteries too." He smiles at my answer, then holds his hand out which I take. 

"I'm Dean," he tells me. 

"Lily, well Emily, but everyone calls me Lily." 

"After your great grandmother." He fills in the gap, I nod. "Yeah. Did you meet her?" I ask and he nods. "She hated me, your great grandfather even more." He laughs, shaking his head. "How did you two meet?" I ask him, hoping I'm not crossing a line but desperate to know more. 

"We met when she was leaving Stars Hallow High and I had just started. She was cleaning out her locker, and--"

A hand grips my shoulder and I jump. I look up to see Jess--enraged. Even Dean goes still at Jess's expression. "Lily, can you go put Deans order in?" Jess tells me as if I'm a small child. I frown at him, opening my mouth to say no but he gives me a hard look. 

"Now, Lily. Go." I get up, giving Dean a smile. I want to thank him and say it was nice meeting him but I'm too scared of Jess right now so I leave it at the smile. 

I don't go too far though, so I can hear. Neither seems to notice. 

"What did you tell her?" Jess demands, and Dean shakes his head with a smile. "That's just none of your business, Jess. You can keep trying to push me around like when we were teens, but it's still not going to work. If you want to know so bad, ask her." 

"Lily and I--we're not sharing close," Jess says, his voice stiff. "So you tell me." 

"I'm sorry to say that we're not much closer." Dean replies calmly. 

I don't think I've ever seen Jess so angry at someone who isn't me, especially one who is being so calm like Dean. He didn't do anything wrong, and there's Jess--stirring things up. He doesn't want me to know anything about my mothers past. Why? 

Wait. He didn't know we were talking about my mom, so maybe it has nothing to do with her. They seem to already know each other, as teens as well. I knew he dated Rory as a teen from what Emily told me, but he must have known Dean too. Maybe it's his past he's scared of me figuring out. 

Dean gets up, finally angry. Rightfully so. 

"Tell your daughter to cancel my order, I suddenly don't have an appetite." 

"Get out." Jess snaps back and suddenly he's gone. 

I hurry back to the counter, sticking the order to the wall as if I already put it in. Jess rips it off the wall, crumpling it into a ball and throwing it away. 

Keeping whatever secret he's trying to hide won't be that easy though--I won'y let it. 

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