Season 1, Episode 8: Run for Your Pie

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Lily POV: 

"I'm going on my fifteen!" I call over my shoulder to Jess as I slip out of my apron. I've learned from experience not to wear nice clothes while working here, so underneath I'm in a black t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans. 

"Okay, fifteen!" Jess calls back, reminding me not to be late. 

I walk out slowly, checking behind me to see if Jess is looking before I take off after the direction Dean went ten minutes ago. 

It's probably pointless, I won't find him. But I'm still going to try if there's a chance I might get some answers. I break into a sprint down the corner before I see Taylor, I wince internally. "Lily, I need to talk to you!" He calls. 

"Yes! Yes! Later." I call back, passing by him. 

He yells after me but I tune him out as I keep running. He always wants me to volunteer for things, and I always say yes. I pass Ms. Patty's theatre where I catch her arguing with Lane about her band practising there. 

I almost miss it, but right before I pass Frans Bakery I spot the same brown head. I come to a sudden stop, panting to catch my breath. I don't care if he doesn't want to see me again, I have thirteen minutes left and it'll take me another two minutes to run all the way back if I still have the energy so I need to make the trip worth it. I decide this in a split second, pushing the door open as the bell goes off to tell them I'm coming in. 

I make eye contact with him, and he nods to the chair in front of him which I take. Still panting as I sit. 

"Hi," I tell him. 

"Hi," he says back. 

"Why did you leave?" I ask, getting right to the point before I have to leave to make it back in time, or else Jess will take it off my pay. Every minute late is ten minutes of pay. 

"Uh, Jess and I don't have a great past. You don't want to heat about that though, it's ancient history." He seems uncomfortable. 

He's hiding something. 

He looks around, nervous. "Look, I'm not scared of your dad or anything but I don't think he wants me talking to you." 

"To me, that's only another reason why this is a good idea. Why don't you like Jess?" I ask him. "Did he do something to you?" 

He seems tense, swallowing a piece of pie as he takes another bite. 

"Listen, I have to go soon. I promised my wife we'd go sightseeing in about fifteen minutes. But if you really want to know about your dad and mom in high school, why don't you ask them?" he asks. 

"Because they won't tell me. Please." I add, hoping I look desperate enough for him to take pity on me. 

"Okay... If Jess and Rory are okay with it I can meet you tomorrow and answer your questions, at least some. Nothing personal. That sound okay?" he asks me and I nod quickly. 

"How about The Hungry Diner at five?" I ask, picking the place I know my parents both hate and will never go to. 

He nods, eating the last piece of his pie. 

He pulls out his wallet, leaving a ten for the pie and tip as well as another ten in front of me. "Here, you can buy yourself something to eat on me." 

I hand him the bill back, he gives me a questioning look. 

"No thanks. My breaks over anyways, and I can buy my own pie." I smile to not seem rude. He shrugs, taking the bill to slip back into his wallet. I stick my hand out and he shakes it after a short pause. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," I tell him and he nods, "I'm looking forward to it." 

I smile as he leaves for five seconds before sprinting back to work. 

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