Season 1, Episode 10: The Truth

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Lily POV: 

I had met Dean three days ago but it didn't help, only confirmed what I already know with some extra details. 

I know for sure he took Rory's virginity while he was married, even though he didn't outright go and say it to me. He said the second time they got together was "complicated" which seemed pretty obvious. 

Other than that, it was mostly dirt on Jess. Apparently he never finished high school because he spent all his time working at Walmart, would get into lots of fights and was an overall jerk. Then Jess goes and schools me on my behaviour while he was a complete wild child with a bad attitude towards everyone. He also treated Rory horribly. 

After meeting with him, I can see why they argued back in Luke's diner. Jess was horrid to him, just like before according to Dean which is why I have decided I don't need to care that Jess is mad at me anymore because he was much worst than I am when he was my age. 

So, when Jess ignored me all of dinner I ignored him right back. It felt nice, it felt right. Instead of picking a fight with him just to get him to speak to me like I usually did is history. 

I collected the plates after dinner to put in the dishwasher, but I left his plate on purpose. "Lily, you forgot your dads plate," my mom tells me as she gets up. Jess cooked chicken with salad and a side of soup I didn't take. 

"I didn't," I reply sweetly before starting to rinse off the plates. 

I watch through the corner of my eye as my mom gives Jess a pointed, and obvious, "go talk to her face" which Jess only replies to in a slight, obvious, shrug that says "I don't care." 

I focus on my rinsing as I go through how much homework I have tonight. 4 classes, 4 clubs, and the newspaper. I organise the classes in my head, I like to start with the harder classes to make sure I get that done and lead onto the easier stuff. Club stuff always comes last if I have time, which I usually do. 

"Hey," Jess says over my shoulder gruffly. I ignore him as I calculate how long it will all take me when his hand is suddenly gripping my shoulder, turning me to face him. "Hi," I say and try turning back around but he grips harder to keep me in place, facing him. "Whats up, Jess?" I ask when he doesn't say anything. "I... want to talk." He chokes out. 



"I'm sorry--you're going to have to be more specific-" I start, "I want a better relationship, to be close. This whole drinking thing was an eye opener to me--and before you say it, yes, I know you didn't mean to drink. I realized, I don't even know my own daughter. And I want to Lily, I really want to," he pulls a hand through his hair and I can see just how hard this conversation is for him, "I--I don't know where I went wrong. But somewhere along the line I stopped staying connected to you and you're sixteen now. I only have three more years with you in this house, and I want us to be close during them. What do you think?" 

I shrug, at a complete loss for words. 

He hugs me, quick and tight before giving a stiff nod and leaving to probably report all of this to an awaiting Rory. 

I don't even know if I want to have a relationship with him other than what we already have, but I have to admit that I'd love to watch him try, I'd be a fool not to. 

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