Season 1, Episode 5: Run, Eggs, Run

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Lily POV: 

The car ride home, at five in the morning, was silent to a terrifying point. Jess still hasn't said a single word to me since walking into my hospital room with a blank look, while Rory only said, "Get your stuff, and let's head home. We'll have a talk tomorrow morning." 

That was all. 

Chris started blabbing his mouth off as soon as we got in the car, but one cold look from Jess shut him up. 

I've started feeling better actually, but not by much. Someone must have spiked the drink, and I have a feeling who it was. 


That's how she was drunk, she must have spiked some shirley temple pitchers. That's how she got drunk without leaving my side, annoyingly. Her parents keep pushing her to be my friend, to help her get into the Puff's. Too bad, because after Ella spread a rumour that my mom was sleeping with my Chemistry teacher last year since my parents were poor and couldn't afford my tuition fees, and then denied it after I had proof, I have no interest in helping her. I've been trying to shake her since, but she is very annoying and if she spread that rumour all over school as my friend, I'm scared what she'll do if I drop her. 

Plus, Anthony's father and her mother are involved so cutting her off means cutting him off. Which I need to do, but don't want to. Maybe I'll give it a few more month's, after Christmas perhaps or New Years. Start my new year without her, and without him. 

When we get home, my parents leave silently and I follow behind quietly as Chris runs up to his room, passing us. My mom nods goodnight, and heads up after him. Jess gives me one last withering look before following her. 

I'll deal with that later, when my head is more clear and once I've called Ella to call her out. 

It being five in the morning, a bad time to call someone on a weekend, makes it only better. I call five times before she finally answers. 

"What?" her voice is deep and husky with sleep. "I talk, you listen." I hiss, just realising just how mad I am at her. "Who is this--" she starts, too angry for her own good. "My birthday party was tonight. Shirley temples were served, with something extra in there that didn't get there by itself." I interrupt her. 


"So, you messed up Ella. I let that rumour slide from last year, I ignored the gossip I knew came from you behind my back and I tolerated your annoying presence at my side at all times. But spiking drinks at my party? While my little brother was there is going too far." 

I let the silence hang, why wait for New Years? 

"What are you saying? Make your point so I can go back to sleep." She yawns. "You and I--we're done." I don't let anything hang, instead I hang up. 

She doesn't call again, probably already passed out asleep without a care in the world. She probably figures I'll give in and forgive her, but not this time. At least I hope not this time. 

Instead of trying to go to sleep, I pull on my running clothes and sneakers, and tying up my hair in a high ponytail. I wash my face quietly, to get the sweat and hospital off of it. I grab a post-it, for a note in case anyone notices I'm missing though I know they won't. 

Went for a run to clear head, will be back soon. I'll pick up eggs on my way back. 

- Lily

I leave the bright pink note on my pillow, so they won't miss it if they're looking for me. I grab my wallet, slipping it into my jogger pants. I have a good amount saved up from working at Lukes diner on the weekends, and Andrews bookstore after school some days. I doubt buying eggs will fix anything, but it is a start. 

I lock the door behind me, and I'm off. 

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