Season 1, Episode 4: Hospital Life

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Lily POV: 

When I wake up, I wake in the hospital with the worst headache of my life and in a bed, in hospital clothes. 

Chris is the only one in the room, throwing some sort of gummy at his mouth and missing almost every time, falling onto the floor instead and followed by his idea of a curse word; Corn nuts, monkey pants, cow head, bee fart, mushroom, sweet cheese and crackers and mother loving dog among others. Jess didn't want him to swear, so when Chris kept insisting he needed to learn some good swear words he made those up, and uses them himself to fully sell it. 

Chris throws another gummy creature I can't identify in the general direction of his mouth, and misses horribly. 

"Bob Saget!" he whines. 

"Where's mom?" I ask, trying to piece together what happened for me to end up here. I remember the party, saying goodbye to everyone and the driving home while slowly feeling sicker and sicker... but nothing after that. 

"I dunno. It's you and me against the word, and these gummies!" he exclaims before holding one out to me. They are melted and mixed together. "What are those?" I ask him, wondering if maybe I'm seeing them wrong. 

"Unsure what they were. Dad sat on them, but they're still good... wait, I'll check the bag." He holds the bag up to his face, examining them with a serious frown. 

"Hmmm, it appears these were once bears before the big bum incident disfigured them. Poor things. But just as tasty, want one?" he asks, preparing to throw it at my face but I shake my head no. 

My head is still pounding.

"What happened?" I finally ask. Chris shrugs, and continues to throw the gummies at himself, miss and use one of Jess's swear words. 

I groan into my pillow, Chris is no help. 

"Are you sure?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows before throwing one at me. It hits my forehead and bounces off onto the floor. I give him an annoyed glare, but he just grins self-satisfied. "Very tasty." I tell him sarcastically. 

"I told you so! My head has more taste buds than my mouth, cause I'm so smart." He smiles proudly. "What about the ones on the floor?" I ask, bending over to examine the hospital room floor littered with disformed gummy bears. 

"Those are because I'm a soccer player, not a baseball player." He flashes a guilty smile with a slight shrug. 

"Can you go get a doctor?" I ask him as he goes back to throwing the gummies. 

How many gummies are even in there? 

"Can yes, want to..." he trails off and I give him a look that causes him to hop off of his seat. "Reporting to duty, VIP patient two." He says with a salute. 

"Number two?" I ask him. 

"Sorry, you were number one but now that you've woken up and are forcing me away from my gummies I was forced to move the guy next door to number one. He's in a coma, so he wouldn't wake up to be bossy." He explains, his tone light. 

"Go." I hiss at him, my head pounding even more. 

"Whatever you say, Mushroom!" he whisper yells before sprinting out, closing the door behind him halfway. 

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to think back to what happened but there's only... darkness. And pain, from my head. 

Symptoms. If I study myself for them, I can figure out what happened to me. 

Mental confusion, as the night is coming back in chunks and pieces that I can't place right. 

Losing consciousness. 

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