Season 1, Episode 3: Midnight Fireworks

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Lily POV: 

The party ended at midnight, with fireworks on the balcony while the piano player played softly in the background and Chris was fast asleep next to his half eaten giant piece of cake he promised mom he would finish, smeared all over his face with a little in his hair. 

"Beautiful," Anthony said as he watched the fireworks. "It is a new year in my life after all." I tell him and the corners of his lips go up slightly. 

I've liked Anthony since he got the second best exam mark in English, after me, but I'm hoping it will go away. I don't want to date in high school, I need to focus and I know that I don't have time for boys. We're friends though, sort of, which is good. 

"Lily, you have to call me when you open my gift. Okaaay?" Ella moans, suddenly at my side and holding onto my shoulder to stay standing. 

Drunk. I don't even know how she had time to drink, or how she got past the bartender only there for the adults. She had been with me almost the entire night, and I didn't go near the bar. "Okay, I will. In the morning." I promise her, hauling her up so she's standing. 

Ella; 5'5 and skinny as a twig with a mini black skirt and see through white tank top and no tights, her shiny waist long brown hair looking as perfect as always. 

"It is the... morning though... riiiiight?" 

"Sure," I grab her hand and press her to Anthony who grabs her. I move past, sick of her already. 

Jess is picking up Chris, not caring when cake smears all over his suit. Rory is having a debate of some sort with Paris, heated but not angry. And Emily is laughing with Christopher, who got here an hour ago with his daughter, my moms half sister and my aunt Gigi who I can't see anywhere. 

Gigi is probably the coolest aunt there is, 30 and a fashion designer in Paris with her mother who had me over for two weeks last year during the summer. They took me shopping at all the best brands and even to a fashion show Gigi had designed for. I was invited again this year, but I had too many summer courses that I couldn't, and Rory put her foot down this time as a no. Her and Sherry weren't that close, not since she left her dad, so she decided I should stay home instead and babysit Chris while they were at work. 

I wish she were my mom sometimes, even though she is only 14 years older than me and has sworn off marriage like her mother. 

Gigi is so cool, with tall legs and perfect blonde hair, so I like to think that I look like her. Though I'd eat my own hand before going into fashion. Insurance is the path I will pursue, just like Richard hopefully. 

I search the crowd for Gigi, pushing past people as I search for her shiny blonde hair. I look behind my shoulder to see Ella on Anthony's shoulder. That can't end well. 

The fireworks have ended and people have already started to leave. People come up to wish me happy birthday, planting kisses on my cheek and some handing me cards I know are filled with cash. Cash I can save for later.  

I thank them all, tucking the cards into my purse safely. 

"All done?" Emily asks, coming out of nowhere. "I suppose so. It was really perfect though." I beam at her. 

"Yes, it was, wasn't it?" I glance at her after her cold tone to find her face blank and bitter. "Something wrong?" I ask, following her gaze to where my mom is kissing my dad while Chris is running around the balcony after waking up. 

"I hate that man," she whispers in a way that suggests she is only talking to herself. "He was horrible to Rory when they were teenager, yet she went back to him anyways. Pathetic, really." Her voice is cold and angry. 

"Do you think she'll leave him?" My voice comes out as a whisper, I sip on my sixth shirley temple, finishing it off. 

"If she knows whats good for her." 


The car ride home is quiet. Too quiet. My head is spinning and everything looks blurry. 

Because Chris has passed out again, his face still covered in cake that matches Jess's suit. 

"Was that fun?" Rory asks, pulling into the driveway. "Sure," I mutter, pulling my door open before the car has come to a full stop. I trip and fall on my side, pushing myself back up and ignoring my moms yelling at Jess asking if I drank liquor. 

"I'm fine. Sober. Tired. Mostly of you two." I mutter loudly, walking past them and grabbing the key to let myself in. 

"Hey, Lily, wait. You can't do that. Jump out of the car and keep going, that's not okay." I turn to face my mom at the door. The woman to gave birth to me on this day, and still regrets it more than anything. 

"And it's okay for you to sleep with a married man?" I yell back. 

I blink. 

And everything goes pitch black. 

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