Season 1, Episode 13: It's About Who You Know

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Lily POV: 

The month of December was the busiest one for Emily's parties, and I was invited to almost all of them I was allowed to attend by my parents. 

This one was a fairly dull one so far, full of people I didn't know yet who hadn't welcomed me exactly. It's a party hosted by one of her family friends, whom Emily is busy talking to. Their mansion is beautiful, like a castle or cathedral. I'm trying my best to not look too impressed by it all. 

"Lily," Emily calls over to me, "come here and meet my good old friend, Mitchum Huntzberger." I take the four steps to be in their conversation. I extend my hand to the older blonde man in a great suit, he shakes my hand only slightly harder than I shake his. His eyebrows raise as he takes his hand back. "She's got a hard grip," he tells my great grandmother. 

I don't think he means that in a positive way though. 

"Mitchum Huntzberger?" I muse, "As in the newspapers?" 

"Yes, how did you know that?" Emily asks me and I grin. "I'm a big fan of your papers and I did a read up on it a while back, you were mentioned. Do you still run it?" I ask him. "No, no," he makes a face, "I aged out a while back. I'm too old now to run it so I handed it over to my son, Loghan after retiring a few years back." He smiles. 

"Retired? You can't be..." I examine his face, "over fifty." I decide that anything under that will be an obvious lie. 

He laughs, so does Emily. I seem to have finally won him over somewhat. Emily smiles at me proudly. 

"You know, Lily is very bright," Emily declares to Mitchum, "she could give you a run for your money." Mitchum turns to look at me, waiting. I smile politely at her, "As long as it requires no real running." I say and they both laugh with me again. 

"You know, at first you reminded me a lot of your mom. I trained her under my wing as an intern, you know. But you're much more like your great grandmother than your mother, or grandmother." He tells me with a frown. 

"Are you interested in journalism, too?" he asks and I shrug a little. "I'm not sure, but maybe. I'm looking more into insurance at the moment though, but I'm on the school newspaper and hope to be editor in grade twelve." I explain. 

"Yes, her writing is pretty good. Almost as good as her mothers." Emily says encouragingly, but I scowl on the inside. 

"Well then let me introduce you to my son, he has to be here somewhere. May I steal her Emily?" Mitchum asks Emily who nods, pushing me to go. "Yes, yes. Take her before she grows dreadfully bored of me." I smile politely before following his lead. 

Mitchum leads me to a large group of business people laughing, and in the centre is a handsome middle-aged blonde man in a even better suit than Mitchum, telling a story. Mitchum guides us through the crowd to the man, who turns to us with a crinkly smile. He looks like he's in his mid to late thirties. 

"Loghan, meet Lily Gilmore. Lily, this is my son Loghan. He runs my newspaper now and I'm sure he'd be happy to arrange something for you if you like." Mitchum clears his mouth, smiles once more, then vanishes. 

Loghan sticks his hand out first which I shake harder than I shook his dads, to see if I can get a reaction. I don't get the slightest sign he felt my tight grip. 

"Gilmore, huh?" he asks, looking me up and down with a smile, "Related to Rory Gilmore?" he asks and I nod. "Yes, that's my mom. Do you know her?" I ask, surprised since my mom never comes to these sort of events much. 

"Yeah, I know her from Yale. A good old friend of mine. Gosh, I haven't seen Ace in what, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years?" he asks himself. "I had no idea she had a kid. Whoever your dad is is a lucky son of a gun." He tells me with a charming smile. 

I pause, unsure of what to say. "Ace?" I ask, finally. "Oh yeah, a little nickname I used to call her. Wait just a minute," he turns around, "hey Colin, come over here?" he calls and a shorter, older looking man with dark hair marches over. 

I stick my hand out, which he ignores and I slowly put back at my side. Instead, Colin slaps me hard on my back. "Whose this, Loghan? A little young for you, isn't she?" they laugh at that, but I don't. "Colin, man, not at all. This is Rory Gilmore's girl." Loghan chokes out and Colin's eyes widen as he takes a swing of his drink, I can't tell what it is. 

"Rory Gilmore," Colin whistles and shakes his head with an odd smile. "I haven't heard that name in, what, seventeen years?" he laughs. 

"I take it you knew my mother as well?" I ask him. "Oh, we all knew Rory Gilmore. And we all wanted to know her better, too." Loghan bumps his shoulder, eyeing him harshly. "Alright, alright. I see it's time for me to take my leave," Colin grabs my hand and plants a long, wet kiss on it. I snatch it back to my side as soon as he lets go with a polite smile. Colin bows dramatically at us, mostly me before turning to leave. 

Loghan grabs his arm first, and snatches his drink from his hand. 

"Hey!" Colin protests, reaching and stumbling to snatch it back. "Colin, I think it's about time we cut you off. And I've paid the waiters and bar tender to not give you another drink so don't even go there." Loghan warns him. 

Colin mutters something about remembering to bring a flask and regret. 

"Sorry about Colin," Loghan tells me, "we have a theory he was dropped on his head a lot as a kid." 

"My father said something about arranging something for you at the paper?" Loghan asks before I can answer his first statement. 

"Yes, your father mentioned an internship?" I tell him as he grabs a drink off of a waiters plate. "An internship, huh? You want to go into journalism like your mom?" he asks. "I'm simply weighing my options. I'm on the newspaper and I get good grades at school," I quickly add, "and I'm a hard worker. Ask my dad or granddad, I work at their diner." 

"Hmm, diner huh?" he asks, taking his drink in one quick shot. 

"Yes. And I have a 4.0 grade average, I'm on the debate team, on the student council and other clubs. I could provide you with a list of my experience, if you like." He finishes his drink off before answering me. "Well, we actually can't give internships to anyone in high school. I think my father was confused, and I apologise for that. If you still want one at university, I'll make you an offer. Where do you want to go?" 

His question catches me off guard. 

"I want to go to Yale. Did you like it?" I ask him, grabbing the chance of getting an answer. "I loved it. Though I had a very different experience than your mom, I was more of what she would call a spoiled rich kid. Similar to my kids now." He smiles at me. 

"I'm sure she wouldn't. My mom never tells me about Yale, actually." I tell him honestly. "Really? That's odd. She loved it, was a real bookworm. Well, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my ability." 

"Dinner?" I ask him, grabbing a pen and piece of paper from my bag. "Dinner?" he repeats, confused as I scribble down my phone number. 

"Weekends work best for me, after six. Fridays don't work and I usually have homework the rest of the week but I can move things around if weekends don't work for you," I hand him my number, "here is my private cell. Text me when you know." 

"For dinner?" he asks and I nod my head. "I would love to hear more, but I don't want to keep you tonight. Would dinner work for you? I can drive out from Stars Hallow, wherever you want." I offer. 

Loghan seems so perfect, I need to learn more. To make more connections with people like him and it helps that he knew my mom. 

"Alright, it looks like we're having dinner." He tucks my number into his suit pocket. He extends his hand and I take it, "It was a pleasure meeting you Lily Gilmore, I will give you a call sometime next week." 

"It was very nice to meet you as well," I reply and walk back to Emily as he rejoins his group. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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