Christmas Decorations

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Over at Steve's house, it was big no bigger than over at grannies. But good enough, they had a pool, that was empty since it's winter.

Wrapping up Christmas gifts while Steve and mom was making cookies. They would just talk about small stuff. Heck Marlowe wished she had that with her mother. Finishing up, going into the kitchen. Seeing that her aunt/mom would look at her weirdly.

"All done?" She asked.

"Yes aunt Danni." Heading to the sink to wash her hands.

"Wonderful. Now you can help Stevie and I."

With a soft snort as the water was on Marlow washed her hands. Steve walked over to Marlowe. "I heard that." He whispered.

"It's cute." Marlowe did her best to hold in her laugh.

"Believe me I try to make mom stop." Steve sighed. "I still can't believe that granny thinks that Billy likes you." Then he sorta scoffed. "Or anyone."

When Danni left to go get some more ingredients. "I think he could Steve. I just think he doesn't know how. Well the correct way." Shrugging her shoulders as Marlowe dried off her hands.

"You see something in that asshole?" Opening up one of the cubers to take out more bowls.

"Nothing like 'oh I'm over the hills' for the guy. You know what I went through Steve. People can change, once they are away from their abusers. Some." Marlowe stated.

"Yes, people can change! I've changed. But do you really think he WANTS to change? Cause I don't see it."

Danni came back. Reading the room like something happened. "Oh dear, did the two of you fought?" They both shook their heads no. "Oh, okay. So I got some sprinkles and some food color that will change the cookie dough! Isn't that neat kids?"

"Yeah." Steve and Marlowe said in unison.

While the cookies were baking then it was time to put up the decorations for the tree. Christmas music was playing in the background. As Danni would be drinking her wine dancing around with tinsel around her neck having a good time. For Steve and Marlowe looking at the ornaments.

"Remember this?" Steve held up an ornament, it was a picture of themselves in first grade. Both of them had an arm wrapped around each other necks.

"When the world seemed to be perfect in our little lives." Marlowe smiled.

Steve placed it on the tree. The clock went off when it was 7pm. With Steve sigh, he looked at Marlowe. "I wish you could spend the night."

"Me too. But I need to go home." Marlowe stood up from the floor.


Billy put up the tree with Neil, who wasn't drunk this time. Susan was making cookies with Max. It was the clam before the storm in Billy's gut. Not talking much to his dad. Neil heads over to the fridge.

"How's the new job?"

"Fine dad." Billy got out a box from the living that has some ornaments. One was special. It belonged to his mother. Closing the box. "How's your job going?"

"Alright." Then Neil spanked Susan ass.

Making Max and Billy roll their eyes and softly moan. They both didn't care to see that. "Hey." Susan softly said. "Not in front of them please."

"Awe come on babe!" Neil kissed Susan's cheek.

Max walked out of the kitchen and sat on the chair that is in the living room. While Billy sat on the couch. Susan couldn't push him off. Knowing that Neil would t stop, clearing her voice as she said. "Max, Billy. I thought to by some sugar and powdered sugar. Mind running out to get some?"

Max looked towards her mother seeing that Neil didn't stop. Have to follow Billy's lead because he's the only that could drive. Then moving her eyes to Billy, who looked disgusted at the situation. Billy sighed. "Yeah. Max get your shoes on."

Max quickly ran to her room to get her shoes, Billy had his on cause he had to bring in the tree. When Max came back Neil and Susan moved into their bedroom. Putting on her coat. Max glanced at Billy who was standing by the door.

Trying to keep her mind off of what's going on in the other room. "Have all your Christmas shopping done?" Billy gruffed as he opened the door. Muttering under her breath. " 'Yeah shit bird.' " Max soon followed him out to his car.

In the car, music was kinda blaring as Billy turned it down. Billy was just over everything. Keeping to himself after the whole fight with Steve and Max. "Are those boys leaving you alone?" Billy mumbles.

Max ignored the last part. "Billy, they are my friends. How are your friends doing?" Since it was almost Christmas. Max wants to try her best knowing it will NEVER last long.

"Fine." Clearing his throat. Seeing each others breath cause it's so cold. Billy turned up the heater all the way, as he was driving.

"I heard that your helping out Marlowe's granny. That's nice of you."

"It's just a job Max. Nothing nice about it." Sounding so grumpy.

"Still. I know that Marlowe appreciates it."

A quick glance over at Max Billy said. "How do you know that Marlowe appreciate it?"

"Well, I'm friends with El and Marlowe babysits El. I guess Marlowe talks to El about it." Max looked out the window.

Grinding his teeth. Not sure why he's so mad over something so positive. "Has Marlowe said anything else about me?"

"No. Should she?" Max wasn't sure as well why he's getting mad.

"Because you know I don't like rumors."

Max slowly nods. "Marlowe hasn't said anything other than that she appreciates you helping out her granny. Besides Marlowe hasn't spoken to any of the high schoolers about it Billy."

Billy drove to the store. Arriving at the store Billy and Max got out of the car. "You want any candy?" Max asked.

"Are you buying?" Because Billy wasn't he's saving to get out when he can.

"Yes." Max snapped right back at him cause of the snapping he did to her.

Billy crossed his arms as he let this one go. This time cause they are out in public. "Fine. You know what I like." Heading back to grab the powder sugar and sugar.

When they got home, Billy placed the two items in the kitchen table since Neil and Susan hadn't been back out yet. Max started to head to her room but Billy stopped her for a quick second.

"Thanks shit bird."

"You're welcome."

They both went to their rooms. Before Billy went to his. Taking the box that was in living room back into his room. Sitting on his bed as Billy opened the box. Billy mutters. "Mom why did you leave me with him? What did I do?" Starring at the box as he slowly opened up the candy. His legs were crisscross. Pulling his legs up to his chest as the were still crisscross. Two tears came down. As the little Billy showed himself for once.

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