Act XVI: Abduction Savior

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Jack don't even know what the hell is right and wrong. He ain't better than me, more so any less guilty of some dangerous behavior. He's killed over sixteen-hundred folks! That man had it coming, there's no way that old geezer didn't drop that on purpose.

And being sick don't mean the rules don't apply to you, I'm not sure Jack understands that I ain't a good man. Guess I'm sweet when I wanna be, but to be fair I don't care much for manners or pleasantries. I'm doing what I wanna do and damn anyone who stands in my way.

All these thoughts are running through my head like a swarm of hornets, I can barely focus on where I'm going. The boy left on foot back to camp, I'm not interested in this drama he's got going on.

But I can't think about loosing him, don't even like that I upset him. I hate how this feels, I ain't never felt guilt like this before in my life. I'd say it's feels like I've got blood on my hands but that's true. I'm covered in blood. Splattered all up me from that old feller.

Could apologize but what for? I didn't do nothing wrong. That man nearly broke my damn nose when he tripped my horse. He's old enough to know not to leave shit in the roads let alone a wooden pole perfectly centered to knock a horse.

Didn't mean to kill the bastard but that's life. It ends. Was an accident. I ain't understand giving an apology for some mistake. However I imagine that's what Jack wants, me to say I'm sorry. I'm not.

Arthur had retrieved the wagon with little issue, Dutch wasn't even there to speak to him. Nobody said a word which was strange, they just kind of looked at him as he strolled on through. Maybe they were just so confused they didn't know what to say. Or they don't care which is even weirder.

When the blonde arrived back at the camp, Jack was nowhere to be seen. He stopped his vehicle and set off on foot, walking around the place. Being in the middle of the woods didn't help as he could be anywhere. Checked the tent, wasn't there. His eyebrow furrowed, his gaze becoming narrow as he scanned the surrounding terrain.

Arthur's heart started to beat ever so slightly quicker, his mind beginning to peddle out all sorts of scenarios to explain the boy's absence. However before he could properly panic he saw a boot sticking out from behind a tree. Arthur started to run before cursing to himself, confused why he allowed himself to get so worked up over this horse shit.

Upon closer inspection of the shoe Arthur saw it was expertly connected to Jack, of whom was laid on his side asleep somehow. His journal and satchel sat in front of him, half a peach sat near the boys head. It was an adorable sight. Sun was setting the perfect way to highlight Jacks features. Mostly his cheekbones and his jawline. It's nice to see him without that permanent scowl he had fixed to his face.

Arthur liked seeing the imperfections in people, Jack had multiple. Oily skin, a spot on his forehead, the scars. But Arthur found these things were what made someone special in some way. If everyone looked perfect all the time there'd be nothing interesting about anyone.

The man had imperfections as well that he made himself painfully aware of. To Arthur he saw an ugly man, to some extent he was right. But it wasn't true, physically that is. In fact Arthur was consistently being hit on in bars from every direction it seemed. But he's never noticed these things.

He looked in his reflection and saw a scarred indent on the right side of his nose. His squinty eyes, that birthmark on his shoulder, his back hair, the scars on his chin, the crows feet beside his eyes, his bushy eyebrows, the patchiness of his beard. It all laid out like red stains on his complexion. And he hated what he saw in the mirror. A miserable old bastard.

Despite Arthur's insecurities he at least believed that Jack found him handsome. And with that knowledge he got the urge to hold him, however his back was pressed against the trees trunk. So he laid on his side facing the boy as he he scooted close. Wrapping a hand around his waist as he watched the brunettes face for any movements. None were perceivable until his stretched in his sleep, embracing Arthur at instinct. Pulling the man closer as he planted his face in Arthur's neck, feeling his presence in its fullest as he slumbered.

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