Act XXII: Arthur's First Time Bottoming

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After a long day of wiping this prarie clean of perverts they were utterly exhausted. Killing is one hell of a tiring affair, but on the bright side they've now got themselves a cabin to stay in. Don't think ol' Steven McNeil will be coming back for his land anytime soon.

It's a nice place, if a bit dishevled. The bulk of it is only one large room, but with a bedroom jutting out of the side, and a small hallway to the backdoor. Walls lined with old shelves that sat empty of any food. Jack had hid in there for what seemed like hours waiting for his moment to strike. Walking in the front door there lies a dining table four chairs, a dusty tabe cloth covered in candles and empty shell casings.

to the left of the front door was the door to the bedroom, and to the right was the kitchen and a fireplace. Only three windows in the whole place, two on each side of the front door and one in the bedroom facing towards Stawberry itself. They know they should look around and tidy up a bit, maybe move Steven who was still on the floor near the table, but they were just to tired.

The bed was also a nice upgrade, no more sleeping bags or cots, it was a proper mattress. Arthur laid down, Jack following suit. They sat up shoulder to shoulder, talking about the day until Morgan brought up the ever so inticing topic of sex.

"Doesn't it hurt?" he asks,
"Doesn't what hurt?" Jack replies, lifting a brow.
"Y'know when I do ya?"
"Not really," Jack says, voice casual. There's the thought of what Jack would look like on top of him, and he forces that thought away quickly. Arthur clenches his jaw, then lets out a breath sharply. He isn't sure why this idea makes him feel so dirty, makes him feel a certain amount of shame. But he's curious,

"Alrighty, I'll bite. What's it like?"
Jack lifts his head up to look at him, then opens his mouth to speak before shaking his head slightly. Shifting in bed to face him.
"You've really ain't ever tried it? No fingers, nothin'?"
Arthur lets out another groan and rolls his eyes to the stars, "Not a touch"
Jack raises his eyebrows, and he looks like he's going to say something before he shakes his head again and looks back at Michael.
"It's...good. I dunno how to explain it. Feels a lil' weird the first couple a' times, but it gets good. 'specially if the other person knows what they're doing, which," he barks out a laugh, "is often my experience."
Arthur stares at him.
"Have you-" Arthur was cut off as Jack asked,
"Wait did ya think I was in pain every time we went at it?"
"No! I'm just askin' damnit!"
"Ah, so you are curious," Jack smiles triumphantly. It's always nice to see Arthur let down his guard once in a while.
"I just don't get how it feels good, is all. Don't matter," he looks foreword once more
"Want me to show you?" Jack asks after a long pause, and Arthur chokes on a breath, sputtering.
"No! Jesus boy!"
"Ah, come on, ya know what they say 'bout cats and curiosity, all 'at shit."
Arthur deliberately ignores him. Jack smiles beside him but settles back against Arthur and begins to read a book he'd found. Arthur noticed that Jack's hand seems a lot closer to his thigh than it was before.

Arthur thinks to himself how Jack was all the times the did it, his face the way it contorted. It looked intense. Arthur spurs a thought, this time wondering what that feels like.

"Ya good?" Jack asks him, and Arthur blinks. He didn't even realise he was breathing so heavily. And since when was he hard? It takes a lot to make Arthur Morgan nervous. But it seems he grows unsure of himself every time he does or thinking of something not "manly".
"Yeah, fine," he manages, but his voice sounds rough. He clears his throat. This isn't happening, he begs to himself, trying to flex his thigh muscles in an attempt to direct the blood away from his cock.

Jack's staring at him. He turns to look at him, but he didn't realise just how close they were. Their noses are touching. He goes in for a kiss, a deep one as they always share, however he cannot even begin to think of anything else right now. He'd thought it'd be impossible to not wanna fuck Jack but right now hes far to nervous to be anything dominating in nature. Doesn't help that Jack's been looking at him with the most salacious eyes he had ever seen.
"Imma get some shut eye," Arthur stammers, the arousal he's feeling, and the intensity of the way Jack is looking at him all too much to deal with any longer. Jack's eyes hold his before dropping down, gazing at his lips for just a second before coming back up.

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