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"Guys get up!" I yell. "What." Brooklyn groans getting out of bed. "It better not be a dinosaur" Kenji says. "No even better" Darius comments. "Is that...?" Sammy starts but trails off. "That is most definitely a bonfire!" Kenji says excitedly. "People" Sammy breathes out. "Someone got our SOS signal!" Kenji says. "Let's go then! This is our ticket home!" Darius says then runs down.

We all run through the jungle following the smoke. No one worried about dinosaurs or anything for that matter. All we know is that we finally get to go home. "Oh we're almost there I can feel it!" Sammy says. Brooklyn jumps up a tree to get a better look. "Yes! We're getting closer!" She says as she climbs down. We continue running and checking to make sure we're going the right way. "Come on! We're going home!" "Oh it's real!" "Guys we're going home!".

Everything is perfect... until it isn't. Darius climbs up the tree with a smile but comes down looking depressed. "The's gone." He says as we all sigh. "What if they left...what if the people who came to save us gave up and we missed our chance" Sammy says disappointed. We however didn't have much time to stay sad when a roar broke through the silence. Ah here it is, the part were we all get screwed over by a dinosaur. We all circle and grab wherever a close to us as a weapon. "Any chance it's just a really big compy?" Kenji says shaking. "Darius didn't you say there were creepo skylarks?" Kenji ask. "I said they were crepuscular." He replies. As soon as he does a dino charges towards us. I dodge out the way in time for me not to be it's late night snack. We all started to run back to camp. None of us stopping to see what attacked us. Kenji gets hit by a tree branch and falls while Sammy trips over him. We run back to help them but end up having to stand out ground.

Out of no where a red flare shoots off into the sky. "Get down!" Someone yells from behind us. I don't question them for 2 reasons. 1 they have actual weapons and 2 if all goes wrong we can use them as a distraction. We all hide behind a log while they run away the Dino. We were all in the clear a lady turns around to face us. "Oh thank goodness your ok." She says with a relived sigh. "You are ok aren't you?" A man ask while another walk up from behind them. "Who...who are you?" Darius asks. "Well after all that maybe you should call us your salvation." The girl says with a smile. We get up and start walking back towards there tent. The night sky has now faded away and neither me nor Darius has gotten any sleep. Honestly not sure how we still have energy right now.

"You have no clue how happy we were to see your bonfire" Brooklyn says. "Did y'all get left behind to?" Sammy asks. "Not looking like that." Kenji adds. "Yeah are y'all like some super stylish rescue squad?" Sammy asks. "Guys give them a break. We don't even know they're names yet." Darius says. "I'm Mitch and my better half here is Tiff." The man now known as Mitch says. "We're ecotourists" "that's a fancy way of saying we travel to exotic places and photograph rare animals." They say. "I know Simon Masrani! Or knew..." kenji says. "When we're heard what happened here we were like zoop! Gotta get down here." Mitch says. "I was fine taking snaps of lions and tigers but..." Tiff starts. "Pics of dinosaurs! You don't pass that up." Mitch says. "I guess you don't babe." Tiff says. Out of no where Sammy starts laughing making everyone look at her like shes crazy. "I travel too! Well before we got stuck here obvi. But you've seen my videos, Brooklyn Unboxes the World?" Brooklyn says but she's met with silence. "The web channel...?" She continues but again is met with silence.  "When we activated the emergency distress beacon we hoped someone would get our signal. I kinda can't believe it worked." Darius says with a slight smile. "Oh yes the signal!" Tiff says. "Honey remember when we got that? It was right after the boat dropped us off" She says looking over  at Mitch.

I look up when I hear grunting. "That's our tour guide Hap. Came highly recommended. Knows cameras and the outdoors like the back of his hand but not much of a talker. Almost there right Hap!" Mitch says but just like Brooklyn, he was met with silence. We walk through the jungle a little longer in silence before Mitch speaks up. "Our camps not much but I hope you don't mind roughing it with us." He says but I don't see rough anywhere. They have tents, a table, beds, plates, ACTUAL FOOD! We all look in awe of the camp sight before running towards it. "Out of my way" "oh my gosh" "is this real" "oh wow" "woad look at that" "awesome" "this is crazy!" "Even the mosquito net is luxurious!" Sammy says. "This is what I imagined Kenji's penthouse would be like. But better cuz we aren't lock out." Yas adds. "I see brand names" Brooklyn squeals. "It's fine... I guess" kenji says. "Personally I would have arranged the yurts in a more of a A-line config." He says before walking into the tent.

"A can opener?" Sammy gasps. "Do you know how long I spent trying to open those cans of fruit we found. It almost broke me" Sammy says with a hint a desperation in her voice. "My goodness. I can't imagine how hungry you all must be. Would you like some breakfast?" Tiff asks. The next thing you know we're all shoveling as much food in our mouths as possible. Everyone's trying to talk with a whole bunch of food in there mouth but no one can understand us. "And here you are after all you've been through. Your camp destroyed, being abandon, losing your friend." Tiff says sympathetically. I wince at the mention of Ben being gone. We all go silent for a while before Mitch speaks up. "Don't be a downer babe. They're with us now and they're safe. And when the boat comes back in a couple of days after it refuels in Papagayo We'll get you back to the mainland" he says. "We're leaving in 2 days!" Darius yells and we all start cheering.

After eating I excuse myself from the table and head back into the forest. I don't know why but these people give me a bad feeling. Maybe I'm just nervous about going back home... actually I don't know if I have a home anymore. I continue to wonder around lost in my thoughts before I realize I've went to far away from camp. I started heading back only to find Darius with Tiff and Mitch. Tiff start moving closer to the group of compies. Bad, very very bad idea. "No stop!" I yell at her getting her attention but it's to late. The compies start to jump on her. "Hey take this!" Darius yells throwing coins behind them and the compies running after them.

We head back to camp to find Brooklyn and Kenji getting yelled at. To no one's surprise they were caught snooping. "Maybe we should hold off on the trip you all have been through a lot. Especially that one." Mitch says looking at Brooklyn. "No it's fine Brooklyn won't touch the hut and we'll go to the place I wanted to show you." Darius replies. "Um Darius I think maybe we show freshen up before we decide that." Brooklyn says grabbing him by his arm and dragging him to the bathroom.

"Really there isn't anywhere else we can talk." Yas says while we're all packed together in the bathroom. "They're hiding something! Why put an alarm on a tent?" Brooklyn says. "Oh I don't know maybe so a dinosaur or YOU can't sneak in." Yas replies. "I was there to and that alarm was definitely freaking me out." Kenji adds causing Darius to scoff. "Typical" he mumbles loud enough for us all to hear. "What's that supposed to mean" Brooklyn says defensively. "You just can't let this conspiracy stuff go. And for what I video to boost your followers?" Darius replies annoyed. "Who said anything about followers!" Brooklyn countered. "You think I'm doing this to get attention!" She adds. "Yes! That's you whole deal! Your mad Mitch and Tiff haven't heard of you and now your doing this!" Darius whisper yells. "Oh yeah? Then what's your whole deal Darius? Dinosaurs! You care more about them than actual people!" Brooklyn says getting in his face. "That's not true!" Darius replies. "Your obsessed! Just because Mitch is acting all cool dad with you doesn't..." Brooklyn starts but trails off in realization. "No...No Darius I didn't" she try's to apologize but Darius just turns and leaves. "Not cool super star." Yas says and follows out with the rest of us right behind her.

Darius goes off with Mitch and Tiff with Yas and Sammy following him. Brooklyn sits down at a table and Kenji goes over to cheer her up. I would never admit it but I'm with Brooklyn on this one. Something isn't right her and Darius is to mixed up in his emotions to see it. Brooklyn and Kenji run over the the tent where I'm standing. "I though the went with the others?" Brooklyn questions. "And miss the good stuff? Not a chance!" I reply. Brooklyn opens up the door but Hap is standing right there. "Oh shi-"

We're all sitting out by the table. Brooklyn and Hap having a starring contest, Kenji snoring and me pretending to be sleep. Brooklyn catches on the plan and follows my lead by faking like she's going to sleep. As soon as hap leaves we're up and in action. Well not Kenji apparently he was actually sleep. We go over to haps tent only to hear his phone call. "No I'm done... this isn't a threat it's a promise... I'll take care on these kids myself!" He yells in the phone then hangs up. We rush away from the tent and run to find the others. We continue running through the forest not daring to slow down with hap on our trail. Brooklyn and Kenji trip over a tree branch that I hop over. I realize they fell and run back for them. "I told y'all to stay put! You have no idea who your messing with!..." hap says but it was cut short when he got hit on the head with a tree branch. "No way." I say starting to tear up.
"what you've never seen a ghost before?"

Y'all I'm not dead!! School has just been kicking my behind buttt I'm back and better! (Well not so sure on that better part)

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