The Watering Hole

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I'm so sorry for the delay of this chapter! I completely forgot to update. I made this one a little longer just for that reason so I hope you enjoy!
It's been about 22 days since we've started building our new shelter. We've gotten the base down and now are ready to continue building up. We've built a shower, beds, tried to open the canned fruit and much more. Honestly living on the island hasn't been too bad... apart from you know almost getting killed every day. What I mean is the island is really beautiful, you get to watch dinosaurs (that is if there not chasing you for dinner) and the stars, sunsets, and sunrise help me find peace in all this craziness. Plus I've made a couple... friends. For the first time in a while I've found people that I can trust and that's good enough for me.

"No more water. A little help" Kenji says throwing the jug at us. "I got you" Darius says getting up and making his way towards the river. "Hey guys your going to want to see this!" Darius calls out in a shocked tone. We all rush over to see what Darius is talking about. So evaporation is a thing and yes it is hot on this island but there is no way it's that hot that it drained an entire river! "Where did all the water go?" Sammy asks. Yas is quick to respond. "Why don't we ask Mr.Fourty Five minute shower?" She says while pointing at Kenji. "Hey looking good is apart of my brand. It's not that easy and there's no way I drained an entire river." Kenji says trying to defend himself.

As everyone else starts to argue about who's fault it is I walk away caring more about how to fix the problem then who we think caused it. I noticed I'm not the only one when I see Brooklyn break away from the group as well. The only thing is she's not following me, she looks like she's concentrated on something else. She gets on the other side of the now waterless river and starts to shush the others. They quickly get quiet. One thing we've learned is that if someone is shushing us it means one of two things. Either there's a dinosaur around or there's about to be some sort of speech. We rather not risk it.

We all look at her waiting to see which one it is. "I hear the hum again!" She says causing everyone to groan. We've been hearing about this hum for weeks. It wouldn't be a problem except no one else has heard it and yet she swears she can. I'm starting to thinks she's going crazy. Brooklyn continues talking ignoring all the groans. "The sound of the river must have been drowning it out. If I follow the hum it can lead me to-" "the frozen flower patch" we all say finishing her sentence. "Oh... I've already mentioned that haven't I?" She asks shyly with a small embarrassed smile. "You mean the frozen patch of flowers you've seen once but never again. Yeah, only like a hundred times!" Kenji says frustrated. "Um I'm sorry for wanting to get to the bottom of all this weirdness. I came here to-" "Unbox Jurassic World and that's what I'm gonna do" we all say finishing her sentence again. "If you're gonna go look for the noise I'll come too. If that's ok" Sammy says as she runs towards Brooklyn. "It'd be nice to have an adventure for a fun reason and not a fleeing dinosaurs or facing imminent death reasons" Sammy says with a small laugh at the end. "I'll go if Sammy goes!" Yas say running over to them. "And um Brooklyn, Brooklyn too." Yas says with a stutter. I look at her with one eyebrow up. Is it just me or are Yas and Sammy really close. "Ooh, it's a Camp Cretaceous girl adventure!" Sammy says. "That is if Makayla joins" Brooklyn says looking at me. "As much as I would like to help y'all find whatever it is your looking for, I think I'll stay behind and help Darius. If I don't who will." I say. "Hey I'm here too" kenji says defensively. "My point exactly" I add as Kenji scoffs. "Looks like the trio is back together" Darius says with a smile hooking his arm around us. "I'll take the lead on this one. It only makes sense because I know this island like the-" kenji starts. "Back of my VIP hand." We all says finishing his sentence. "We have been spending way too much time together." Kenji says causing us to laugh.

We walk through the jungle letting Kenji take the lead. Even though he has no leadership skills... like at all, he does know the island better than anyone. Expect for me that is but I wanted to give him his time to shine. We continue walking with Kenji jumping at ever little sound and Darius writing and drawing everything he sees. Kenji let's put a yelp when the stick that Darius is holding pokes him. "Dude this is the 3rd tree on a tree you've written about. How can you be this obsessed with trees." Kenji says slightly annoyed. "These ferns are an important part of the triceratops food chain. Oh your gonna love this. They contain-" Darius starts but is cut off by kenji walking away uninterested. "Look dude I know you like to pretend this place isn't cool but look around! How crazy is it that we are literally living with dinosaurs" Darius says. "He's not wrong. Even though I will say he's a little over obsessed with the trees... this place is really cool."  I add but again kenji walks away uninterested. "You know I feel bad for you. You can't see how awesome this place is." Darius says. "I have seen it, All of it. Like a gazillion times. Oh and those ferns you're so psyched about" kenji says moving the ferns "just the to hide speakers. Sorry bro but I am way over Isla Nublar. There's nothing here for me." He says walking away leaving Darius with a disappointed look on his face. Before I can say anything Kenji speaks up. "Woah Darius! You were right I can't believe it! It- Its! A dead end! This place is the coolest." He says sarcastically. "It's actually a waterfall or well should be. You know what this means." I says. "That this place sucks" "we found what stoping the water" "we're finally gonna go rock climbing" we all say at the same time. I look at both of them with a dead pan face.

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