Safe Harbor

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Now that the fun and games are over it's back to the real world. "Stay sharp" Darius says while we make our way over to the boat. "For all we know Tiff is still in there." He continues.

We sneak closer to the boat until we're close enough to climb on. We spilt up to make sure it's safe. Me, Darius and Sammy check upstairs while the rest look on the bottom deck. "Nothing here" I hear Sammy say while looking over the boat. We make our way to the control room, only to find it trashed. "The control panels all busted up." Sammy says. "And it's almost out of gas" Darius says looking at the fuel meter. "Are you sure? Did you tap it, they always tap it in the movies." Sammy says while walking over. She taps the meter and instead over going up, it drops down. "Well now we're really sure" she says.

"So we've got a boat but no way to use it" Ben says stating to situation. "Pretty much." I say in agreement. "Ok the Northwest dock is just right around that bend." Darius says pointing it out. "If we can get there, hopefully we can find fuel so we can get off this island." I say finishing his thought. We climb down the ladder reaching the bottom deck, and once we get there we hear a door start to rattle open. Darius and I slowly back away. I move my head searching for something, anything to protect ourselves with. There's nothing. Worried I look over at Darius, who shares my expression. The door continues to rattle until it burst open revealing none other than Kenji.

"Boo!" He yells and we jump back not realizing who it was. Kenji laughs at us, while we're annoyed with him. "Dude seriously!" I yelled. "You scared the crap out of us!" Darius continued. "I know it was awesome!" Kenji laughs not caring at all. I roll my eyes at his stupidity. "The height of comedy." Ben says with a dead pan face. "I'm going back to shore." He continues and walks away.

"Ok so the only question now is, who's driving the boat?" Yaz asks. "You mean whose dad has a yacht club membership and just found this amazing hat." Kenji says with a proud look on his face. "No way in hell I'm letting you drive this boat! We did not survive a dinosaur island just to be taken out by Kenji's driving! I mean are we seriously putting our life's in the hands of... him?" I say desperately. I don't know about them but I rather not die at 15. "Do we have much of a choice? Who else can drive a boat?" Darius says and the rest of us remain quiet.

"Well there you have it. Captain Kenji at your service." Kenji says with a smirk. "Welp, we're all gonna die." I say walking away from the conversation. The boat starts up and we make our way to the northwest dock. We get there and start loading supplies onto the boat. We don't get to far before we get tired of moving things. "It's getting late. We should rest up and continue packing the boat in the morning." Darius says. "Woah woah woah woah! Look around, we have swimsuits, a few hours of sunlight, and a whole boat to our disposal. If that doesn't scream yacht party I don't know what does." Kenji says. "We do deserve a break." I say looking over at Darius.

"We're not just leaving the island tomorrow, we're leaving in style" Brooklyn says. "I have to admit, I'm loving this yacht life." Darius adds. "Hey don't get distracted now. There's still one thing we need to de before we go. We gotta get kenji back for scaring us." I say with a small smirk. "Oh I'm so down for that." Brooklyn says with a smirk. "Oh I got it, we steal his captains hat!" Darius says. "And then?" Brooklyn asks becoming interested. "We uh don't give it back?" He says in a questioning manner. "Dude how did you grow up with an older brother and still not know how to prank people." I say with a smile. I find it funny that he sucks at this.

"Yeah well when you have a brother like Brand, you're usually the victim, not the prank planner." Darius says with a shy smile. "It needs to be something epic or he'll never leave us alone." Brooklyn says. "What if we slowly and methodically make Kenji believe he never existed? Then when he's just on the verge of total madness, we'll be like 'Gotcha!" Brooklyn suggests. Honestly I'm not sure if I should be scared or proud right now. "Might be a little to intense. Maybe we-" Darius starts but gets cut off something that sounds like a gun shot. The two of the duck but I slightly freeze. The world begins to slow around me as my mind replays the moment of Darius almost getting shot. The feeling of the bullet hitting my shoulder. The wound on my arm starts the throb and my heart starts to pound against my chest. Darius pulls me down with him and looks at me with worry. I quickly snap out of my trance and realize what's going on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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