Chaos Theory

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We notice Darius and Sammy talking but we still can't hear anything. "Just start pressing buttons and see if we can get audio." I say cause Brooklyn to button mash. Apparently button mashing is the way to go because now we can hear. "The only reason Mitch and Tiff know about the watering hole is because I showed them. I'm the one that didn't listen to Brooklyn. The dinosaurs are in danger because of me. I promised you all that I'd get you home and I... I already lost Ben" Darius says on a rant. "Is he crazy?" I mumble.

"Look Mitch said their boat was at the northwest dock. Grab the others and get out of here while Mitch and Tiff are busy." Darius continues. "And what about you?" Sammy adds grabbing his arm before he walks away. "I have to make this right." Darius says looking down. I push past Brooklyn and hit the speaker button. "The hell you do. The only thing you have to do is get off the island with the rest of us." I say and Ben chimes in. "Yeah we got your back Darius. Forget the boat Mitch and Tiff are going down!"

And it was at this moment I realized they are the only ones that didn't know Ben wasn't dead. "Ben!" "You're alive!" The said in unison. "Oh rightttt you didn't know. Hey! Also we found the sound button so we can hear you. Oh bumpy says hi" Ben says. After a while of silence ben finally speaks up. "I think I broke them." I have to choke back a laugh in this very serious moment. "Yeah, Ben's alive, we're very happy about that." Yas says trying to get to the point. However Brooklyn beats her to it. "Point is we're not letting you do this alone." "We're in" I add. "You don't get it. You guys could get to the boat and save yourselves." Darius says. "No I don't think you get it." I say. "You're one of us" Yas adds. "And we're not letting Mitch and Tiff get away with killing dinosaurs." Brooklyn says. "I never liked those two anyway." Kenji says trying to be cool. News flash dude, you're not. "It's Dino-saving time! Camp fam for life!" Sammy yells a little too excited.

"Ok, now that we've established lifelong camp family status, how do we stop them?" Yas asks. "Feed both of them to the Mosasaurus!" Ben says confidently. "Not gonna lie it's not a horrible plan." I say shrugging off the looks the others are giving me. "Ok well we're not doing that." Brooklyn says. "If they're going to the watering hole to kill dinosaurs..." Yas starts. "Then let's make sure there aren't any dinosaurs there for them to kill!" Darius finishes. "Time for us to do what we do best" he says trailing off at the end expecting someone to finish his sentence. I must say he was very disappointed. "Cause chaos?" "Get suck in the middle of a lot of angry dinosaurs?" "Defeat Toro again?" They all guess. I'm just gonna go on a limb and say that's not what he was thinking. "I mean yeah...? Except the last two. Brooklyn and Makayla we need you both to be our eyes and ears. Kenji grab a bike and pick up me and Sammy. Ben and Yas get big and loud. I've got a plan."

And just like that we all head off. Me and Brooklyn watch from the cameras as Kenji finds a bike and takes off. Yas and Ben head into this garage and we lose sight of them. "Ok then it's our turn." I say. "What's good, Isla Nublar! Tonight we have a very special, very shocking, Brooklyn unboxes live going out to Mitch and Tiff. Kapow!" Brooklyn says right on que. I have to give it to her... not a bad intro. We reveal to them that the gates still have electricity in them so if they try to climb them they will have a shocking surprise. Get it because electricity and shocking... no... ok never mind.

We look on the cameras Brooklyn watching Mitch and Tiff, me watching Kenji struggle with balancing 3 people. The next thing I know, I hear Brooklyn gasp and a camera go out. "Guys! Mitch and Tiff are about to get to the watering hole and Ben and Yas aren't there yet!" Brooklyn says over the speaker. "How far is the nearest tunnel to them?" Darius asks. "Um... if you go back a bit, there's a tunnel entrance that would put you out right in front of them." I answer. "Ok you guys keep going to the watering hole and meet up with Ben and Yas as planned. You'll move faster without 3 kids on one bike. I'll slow Mitch and tiff down." Darius says getting off the bike and heading towards the tunnel. "Good luck, Dino nerd." Kenji says and keeps driving. "Ok D, what's the plan." I ask but get no response. "Darius... Darius?" Brooklyn says but again gets no response. But the silence is all the response I needed. "Idiot, you don't have a plan do you" I say knowing I'm right. "Once this is done, get everyone out Makayla. Get them home." He says going into the tunnel. "You're still trying to do it alone!" Brooklyn yells finally catching on. "Darius!" I yell at him before he goes into the tunnel be he ignores it and keeps moving.

"There's gotta be a way to help!" Brooklyn says while looking through the cameras. "You do that, I'm going in after him." I say and race out before she has a chance to respond. I know there's a tunnel near here I just hope I make it in time. "You idiot!" I mumble under my breath, racing towards the watering hole. Apparently adrenaline kicks in when someone you love is about to die because I made it there in record time. I see Mitch pointing the gun a Darius. His finger on the trigger ready to shoot. And he was gonna do just that.

"No!" I yelled and tackled Darius down right before the gun went off. I wish I could say we made it out untouched but I feel like the bullet graze on my arm would say otherwise. "What the?" I heard Mitch say. I guess they didn't see me coming but I didn't have time to think about that. I quickly got up and grabbed the gun before he could reload it. Both of us fighting over the gun, hoping it doesn't accidentally go off. One thing he may have on me and two working arms but I've wrestled with delta before... there's no way I'm losing this. I sweep his legs from under him causing him to fall and let go of the gun.

I quickly disarm it and throw it far away. Now that the adrenaline has passed the pain quickly sets in. "Son of a" I catch myself before it slips. I grab my arm where the bullet grazed me. "That was a nice tackle! Did you play football?" He says trying to distract me but I wasn't going to let him. "What the heck are you doing! I thought we were a team!" I yell at him. "I didn't want to put you guys in danger." He says not making eye contact with me. "Yeah well that ship has passed sailed." I say squeezing my arm tighter. "I'm sorry, this is my fault." He says looking down. "Well you're not wrong... but that's the reason where here in the first place. Stop putting everything on you. We've all messed up, but that doesn't mean you go and get yourself killed. You don't die for your friends. You live for them. You've been trying to get us home since the beginning. You're a great leader and I'm sorry I've been slightly jealous of that." I say being 100% honestly. "No I'm sorry. You have saved our behinds countless times and I bet you knew there was something off with Mitch and Tiff too. Honestly you're a better leader than me. You just never get the credit." Darius says finally looking back up at me.

"Hey! The next time you want to have a touching moment maybe throw the guns farther away. We're armed, again." Tiff says. Darius gives me a worried look but I shrug it off. "Yeah well 2 things." I say giving them a small smirk. "1 I would love how to learn to shoot without any bullets." I say holding up their amo. "And 2 we don't need to be armed. There 7 of us, 2 of you and most importantly... we were just stalling." I say with a wink. Right on que Yas, Kenji, Ben and Sammy come from out the trees and run the Dinos away from the watering hole.

All of that hard work is quickly undone when Rexy over there decides to run all the Dinos right back to the watering hole. "You've got to be kidding me." I say with a dead pan face. "Run!" Darius yells. I don't even wait for him to say anything, I take off running. I don't know about y'all but I run first and ask questions later. "Here! The dock is this way!" I say and we run towards the docks. We get there just in time to see Tiff driving away from the island. "We're too late..." Darius says. "It's ok" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "We'll get out of here...Someday."

Soon after the other start to pull up cheering. "Hey" Ben says getting off of bumpy. Darius waste no time and runs to Ben, going in for a hug. "I'm sorry. I should've helped her pull you up." Darius says, his voice full of regret. "Think nothing of it kid. When you've seen what I've seen... I missed you guys too." Ben says trying to be tough but that act quickly falls. "Hold up, did you just calm me kid?" Darius realizes. Ben doesn't respond, he just keeps the hug. Soon it becomes a group hug. "Ouch" I hiss out feeling someone squeeze on the wound.

"Oh my gosh!" Sammy says. Oh yeah they missed the whole almost getting shot thing. "Don't worry it's nothing. The bullet only grazed me." I say with a straight face but the rest look at me like I'm crazy... again. "What?" I question and they stay silent. "That's a lot of blood for just a graze." Kenji says finally breaking the silence. I take off my belt and tie it above the area with the wound to stop the bleeding. "There" I say proudly. This cause the group to laugh. "Only you would get shot and act like it's nothing." Darius says looking down and shaking his head with a smile.

"So what now?" Kenji says looking out at the empty dock. "Try to find another distress beacon?" Sammy suggests. "No. We have to stop waiting on someone to rescue us. It's time we find our own way off the island." Darius says looking over at me, getting a simple nod in return. We head back to camp before it gets to dark. We all agreed that we would start strategizing in the morning. If only we knew the chaos the next morning would bring with it.

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