The Art of Chill

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"Good news?" "Not exactly, the pteranodons are nesting on the eastern mountains so that's out" "great more bad news" Sammy says in disappointment "so we can't stay on Main Street because dinosaurs. The mountains, grasslands and jungle are out because dinosaurs."Brooklyn adds "And Kenji's penthouse is out because he's bad at math" Yas comments "hey I didn't think my dad was serious about changing the locks if I failed algebra. That is not my fault" kenji says trying to defend himself. "That is actually completely your fault" Yas counters. "Ok we'll whatever the whole island is full of dinosaurs we're screwed." Kenji says throwing his arms. "We can't give up yet. We set off the emergency beacon. We just need to find a place to hole up until rescue arrives." Sammy says. "Where it's been days. We're out of options" Yas says killing her hope. "Actually... there is one place we haven't tried, but I'm not sure your gonna like it." Darius says with uncertainty.

Well he was right they definitely didn't like it. "Are you serious? Didn't we specifically run away from here" Kenji says. "Ok but just hear me out. There's a stream for fresh water, we've got trees and mountains to protect us from weather and dinosaurs attacks." Darius starts but gets cut off when Brooklyn clears her throat referring to the destroyed camp. "Ok not all dinosaurs attacks but if you were coming to rescue a bunch of campers wouldn't camp be the first place you looked? Plus we even have supplies to build a shelter right here. They're a little broken but it could still work. Right Brooklyn?" Darius says optimistically. "What?" Brooklyn questions. " I mean you must've made a video about building shelter... right?" Darius asks. "Right all you do is videos" Kenji adds. Wrong move dude wrong move. "Excuse me! I do many other things outside my videos! I have a whole life outside my videos... but yes I did help raise that barn from "unboxing Amish Country" just saying" Brooklyn says. "I knew it" Yas says with a smirk. "Oh I love that one!" Sammy says with excitement. "There you go" kenji says with a knowing face. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's clear that stuff!" Yas says while limping over to the pile of wood. "Um Yas what if you sit this one out" I say concerned. "What no I'm totally- woah!" Yas says slipping while trying to pull out a piece of wood. "It's nothing I'm fine. I just wanted to be on the ground right now." She says reaching for her ankle. "This isn't nothing! Your ankle is still hurt and all that running hasn't helped. You need to take a break." Sammy says. "Based on this symbol, there might be a clinic near by." Darius says looking at the map. "We'll go see if there is anything to help your ankle. But you need to rest here." I state. "No way! I'm not sitting around while y'all go back out there. I can pull my own weight." Yas says trying to get out but Sammy makes her sit back down. "Rest. Your gonna need that ankle to win gold medals when we get off this island ok?" Sammy saw with a smile. "And I'll stay behind to make sure she rest." Kenji says making me look at him strange. Since when does Kenji volunteer to do... well anything. "Can it be someone else. Like literally anyone else." Yas begs. "Ok there's our plan. Kenji while Yas rest you start sorting the through the stuff and finding things we can use." Darius says. "Wait what? I only volunteered so I didn't have to do anything." Kenji groans. See that makes more sense. We all grad a plank and head out.

We walk through the jungle and find some pretty cool stuff. "Hey Darius look at this." Sammy says. "Wow! It's a stegosaurus plate, they shed them as they grow." Darius states. "So like a deer shedding antlers. Around march you can't walk two feet without stumbling over them back home. Me and my sister to compete to see who can find the most. You know these look just like the marks the deer make." Sammy says walking towards the trees. "Helps them with the shedding. Maybe dinosaurs do the same thing!" Sammy says excited. "This could be new behavior! That's so cool!" Darius says also getting excited. "Know what would be even cooler!" Sammy starts. "Finding the clinic so we can get back to the others" I say looking at them with a small smile. As cute as it is to watch the nerd out we really have to get back to Kenji and Yas. "Um no I was gonna say If there was dung nearby we could see what this stego ate for lunch! Brooklyn we're gonna see if there's dung!" Sammy calls out to here. "Just keep walking they can't make you look at dung if you keep walking" Brooklyn mumbles to herself. Suddenly she stops. "Um guys do you hear that?" She calls out. I run over to her with Darius and Sammy following me. "You say something?" Sammy asks. "It-its nothing. Must have been a weird bird." Brooklyn answers and continues to walk.

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