Chapter 213: Followed

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

They planned to have dinner at the Mu Residence before heading back, but when they were done packing up, Mu Yuchen's phone started ringing.

It was a call from the Provincial Government Department about something urgent, and they wanted Mu Yuchen to go over for dinner.

Mu Yuchen wanted to decline, but Xi Xiaye asked him to go. At the same time, she wanted him to deliver the things to Mu Lingshi as well. She had already loaded them into the car this morning. Coincidentally, her drop-off place was on the way to his destination.

"Leave me at the junction ahead. You can bring the people with you," Mu Yuchen spoke up as they arrived at an entertainment club and he unbuckled his safety belt.

"It's okay. You should bring them. Don't appear alone in public. They are supposed to follow you anyway."

There was another car with the bodyguards following them behind.

Things had not been really peaceful lately. Since Ah Mo and Li Si insisted, Mu Yuchen would bring the bodyguards with him whenever he went out just to avoid similar incidents like the one in City B from happening again. He also planned to get a female bodyguard for Xi Xiaye. Ah Mo was recruiting for this position and the bodyguard would soon be ready when he got back.

The car arrived at the entrance and stopped just when Xi Xiaye said, "It's alright. I'll just stay there for a while. I'll be back to fetch you at around 9.30 pm."

"Be careful on your own. Is your phone fully charged?"

Xi Xiaye could be pretty forgetful, so it was not uncommon for her to have her battery dead.

She searched through her bag and grabbed her phone. The battery icon showed a full bar, but after just a glance, the man took it from her and handed her his phone. "Let it charge in the car and be careful."

He swiftly got out of the car and went into the building. The bodyguards went with him as well.

Xi Xiaye started the car again after his figure vanished inside and she continued forward.

The sky turned dark when she arrived at Ah Mo and Mu Lingshi's villa. The world seemed depressingly gray.

The villas here were pretty high-class while the environment around there was peaceful and calm. The street lamps started to light up as the sky turned dark, so it still felt like day time with all the bright lights around.

"Sister-in-law!" Mu Lingshi came up to Xi Xiaye as she just parked her car.

Xi Xiaye picked the bags beside the trunk up and opened the door. "Have you been waiting for long?"

"It's alright. We just finished dinner between the two of us. Let's have a barbeque. My friend came back from north-western China and brought me some beef steaks which tastes pretty amazing. Try them later and bring some back for my brother."

Mu Lingshi took the bags from Xi Xiaye. After stealing a glance inside, she looked at her gratefully. "You brought them all here?"

Xi Xiaye closed the door and locked the car. "Mmm, we just came over from the Mu Residence. We wanted to have dinner with Grandfather and Grandmother, but your brother had a sudden appointment nearby, so I dropped by. I've never really been to your place. I almost got lost on my way here even with the GPS system."

"The land around here is only starting to get developed, but the views at night are great. How about we take a stroll around after dinner? It's only 7 p.m. now. We can head out at around 8 p.m. since it's too hot during the day. It's much better at night."

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