Chapter 307: Long Time No See

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The start of spring was still a little chilly, especially when night fell. Amidst the bleakness, there would be frigid gales.

After two senior apprentices from the martial arts center helped Father Ji back to the center, Ji Zitong stood in the cold wind while peering through the glass window and waiting for Su Chen to arrive. She saw Elder Su still fast asleep on the table, and her brows furrowed into a knot.

She watched as the traffic light turned from red to green, then red again. She also kept glancing at the phone in her hand too, shrinking as her whole body shuddered from the cold. Unable to help but take a look at her phone again, she realized that half an hour had passed and Su Chen was nowhere in sight. Irritated, she could not help but curse Su Chen inside again. She was about to pick up her phone when suddenly-


Someone bumped into her from behind, and the phone in her hand fell to the ground.

Ji Zitong frowned as she quickly bent down and was about to pick up her phone from the ground.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Are you okay?"

Then came the kind voice of a male whose hand picked up the phone even quicker than she could.

The familiar yet distant voice came made Ji Zitong stop what she was doing in that instant. She subconsciously looked up to take in a dashing man in a tuxedo. Stunned, her beautiful eyes froze, and then a coldness flashed through them. Finally, they returned to being calm.

"Zitong, it's you!"

The man was extremely stupefied as his gaze was fixed on Ji Zitong before him. "Zitong, long time no see..."

Dong Wentao.

Ji Zitong did not think that she would ever see this person ever again.

"It really has been a long time, Captain Dong. Can you return my phone?" Ji Zitong's lukewarm voice was heard although her beautiful face was extremely reserved without any expression.

"I'm sorry. Here."

Dong Wentao handed the phone to Ji Zitong who quickly took it back. She was about to turn when he suddenly called out to her, "Zitong, that day... I'm sorry that I didn't go." His low raspy voice sounded a little apologetic.

"I know you didn't go. Actually, I didn't go either. While you got engaged to Wang Yanran, I was still training with the troops, so I couldn't leave, and you didn't wait for me. I didn't wait for you either, so you don't have to apologize to me about anything." Ji Zitong put both hands in her pockets as she looked magnanimously at this man before her.

"I know that you still went in the end, and even injured your leg in a fall. I let you down. I did go looking for you afterward, but Chief Su didn't let me in. Zitong, how have you been all these years? I haven't been able to get you off my mind all these years."

Dong Wentao had no idea what else he could say at this point. He had so much to say; everything had been suppressed for a long time, and at this point, right before her, all of those words became feeble. Nonetheless, right now, he could only bitterly tell himself that once you missed some things, you would never get it back, and once you missed some people, that was it.

"Compared to your ascend up the promotion ladder, given your high role as captain of the police force, I clearly can't measure up to you, but I really do have to thank you for the thought, Captain Dong." Ji Zitong seemed very calm while her beautiful eyes studied the man before her.

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