Chapter 280:Return of Master Mu

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The black Phaeton was speeding on the highway with Xi Xiaye worried sick in the back seat.

Ji Zitong had called several times, but Ah Mo did not pick up. She guessed he was probably working on some other important matters. She frowned and put her phone away before turning towards Xi Xiaye. "Director Xi, Manager Ah Mo didn't pick up my calls. I'm afraid he's busy at the moment."

Xi Xiaye's expression darkened further when she heard Ji Zitong. She then replied, "Don't worry. We'll see what's happening over there first."

"Okay, don't worry too much. Ms. Su Nan will be fine." Ji Zitong was not sure how to comfort her, but she just had to say something when she saw Xi Xiaye's glumness.

Xi Xiaye just nodded quietly. Then, she took a deep breath and leaned back as she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down.

It was rush hour in the afternoon, so there was a terrible traffic jam on the way. Feeling depressed and tired, Xi Xiaye almost passed out from all the stress in the past few days. If Sis Wang and Zhuang Shurong had not been there to take care of her health, she would have already collapsed.

She fell asleep as they were on the way to the police station.

Ji Zitong glanced at Xi Xiaye through the rear-view mirror and saw she was sleeping, so she told the chauffeur when they were waiting at a red light, "Park the car aside first. I'm going to put a blanket on Director Xi."

"Alright," the chauffeur replied and quickly parked the car.

Ji Zitong grabbed a blanket from the compartment beside her and got out of the car.

The sky was turning dark while the wind around felt a little humid. It seemed like rain was coming.

Ji Zitong quickly opened the door and slid into the passenger seat.

She gently draped the blanket over Xi Xiaye who was sleeping soundly while feeling chilly. As she sensed a slight warmth on her skin, she unconsciously extended her hand.

"Mr. Mu... Mr. Mu..."

Her voice sounded fragile and bitter.

Ji Zitong looked at Xi Xiaye's hand grabbing onto her hand. When she saw that Xi Xiaye was frowning and was sleeping uneasily, she took a deep breath and just left her hand there. Then, she quietly adjusted the blanket on her.

"We can go now."

Ji Zitong turned towards Xi Xiaye and just studied her. Xi Xiaye always looked so calm and collected, so it was her first time seeing her like this.

She knew Mu Yuchen and her were madly in love. However, they treated each other courteously. It seemed like they truly missed each other during a time like this.

Ji Zitong was actually envious of Xi Xiaye. At the same time, she was also touched by the genuine bond of love between them.

She had seen Mu Yuchen bend over to help her put on shoes and put on her coat for her. Besides that, she also saw Mu Yuchen carefully picking out fish bones and trying to convince her to eat more, and there were so many more scenarios...

Only people who truly loved each other would be always missing each other, would they not?

Ji Zitong finally took her phone out and gave Mu Yuchen a call. After several moments, he picked up. Mu Yuchen was at a private airport, preparing to board.

"Chairman Mu, I'm Ji Zitong." Ji Zitong started the conversation when the call got through.

"How is she?" That was Mu Yuchen's first reply.

(2)The Most Loving Marriage In History: Master Mu's Pampered Wife(Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now