Chapter 223: Cruel, Xi Xinyi's End!

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Mu Yuchen demanded his answer coldly, Xi Xinyi was instantly stunned. Her gaze flashed with a faint light. As her eyes met Mu Yuchen's sinister gaze, her hands that lay by her side could not help but tighten. She took a deep breath and then said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Do you not have any idea? I don't like playing guessing games. I'm only asking one more time. Where did you get those pictures from the last time?"

Mu Yuchen's gloomy gaze held a degree of stern coldness as he coldly locked his gaze on Xi Xinyi's little face.

"Do you think I did it?" Xi Xinyi's eyes turned cold as she clenched her fists tightly and met his gaze.

"Even though I don't hit women, this doesn't mean I'm a gentleman. I won't trouble you."

A cold smile flashed across Mu Yuchen's lips. "Don't make me ask you a third time. Where did you get those pictures? If you'd like to assume responsibility, I'd be very happy to let you."

"Enough! The reason Xi Xiaye has everything she does today is all thanks to the bitchy things she did. Why do you have to blame it on me!? I don't know what you're talking about. Hmph, if it were me, Xi Xiaye wouldn't just be facing this! This shameless witch! If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have fallen to the state that I'm in today. I'll let her have a taste of this scandalous storm. Let her know how much I've suffered!"

Xi Xinyi cackled coldly. The sinister light that gathered in her eyes clearly exhibited her delight.

Mu Yuchen looked coldly at Xi Xinyi who was close to insanity. He could tell that the fall of Yueying had taken a huge impact on her. Even that fool Han Yifeng could not settle this one woman. He had indeed overestimated Han Yifeng's IQ!

"If you were smart enough, you should know that the reason I didn't attack Yueying again was that I was giving you a chance. Since you won't let go and aren't showing remorse, I'm willing to help you accomplish your aim too," Mu Yuchen said, and the half-burnt cigarette felt to the ground. He gestured to the black-clothed bodyguards behind him who immediately went forward. With each of them flanking her, they swiftly held onto Xi Xinyi's shoulders.

Xi Xinyi panicked and quickly struggled. She widened her beautiful eyes and looked uneasily at Mu Yuchen as she asked with a slight tremble in her voice, "What are you doing?"

"Be smart and tell me." Mu Yuchen smiled apathetically, then gestured to the men who shoved Xi Xinyi down.

She then shouted, feeling frightened, "Let go of me! What are you trying to do? Let me go! I'm pregnant! You can't touch me! It must be that bitch Xi Xiaye saying things about me again! Chairman Mu, it really wasn't me! You can't touch me!"

"Let go of me! Bitch! Ah! Ah! You can't touch me! I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!"

"Let go of me! What are you trying to do! Ah! Ah! Let go, bastard!"

It was no use struggling. Before she could even react, the two tall men held her down facing the stairs below. Xi Xinyi faintly smelled a putrid smell. Amidst the dim lights, she could only feel herself being pushed to the ground. Then, she felt something icy and heard some swishing sounds. She struggled in fear for a while and was trying to prop herself up to escape when someone held her hands just as she moved. While someone held onto her hands, both her arms were also gripped and her legs were pressed down too!

The disgusting reek filled the air, but she could not react. She just saw something being tossed towards her, and then she was dragged over!

"Let go of me! Ah! Let go of me, who are you people!?"

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